Sunday, December 31, 2006

SNAP .. judgment

A few comments on Last Time :

You cannot experience Love,
unless you have been through H473 .
You cannot appreciate Heaven,
unless you have been through H311 .

What about the three wise men ?
I'm not entirely sure what relevance they hold,
but aren't they important ?

Now, on the seventh day of Christmas, my true love gave to me :

4 ... calling birds .
The Gospels : Matt, Mark, Luke, and John .
Hooray !

5 ... golden rings !
Finally, a break from the birds ..
and something actually valuable .
The Torah / the Pentateuch, consisting of :
Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy .
I have no idea what all this means,
but Numbers sounds like it might be interesting to read .
Snap judgment, you say ?

6 ... geese a-laying .
Aand, back to the birds again .
These are the six days of Creation ..
Whatever you say .

7 ... swans a-swimming .
The seven gifts of the Holy Spirit :
prophecy, ministry, teaching, exhortation, giving, leading, and compassion .
Are you the Teacher ?
* Yawn * It's starting to get crowded here .
Who needs 78 presents anyway ?

Exhortation ?? Ah, the act or practice of urging or advising earnestly .
I do believe in the Holy Spirit .
Whatever that's supposed to mean ..

*I watched most of You've Got Mail ..
it was reminiscent ?
*I watched The Core, again ..
it was still just as awesome .
*I watched most of The DaVinci Code ..
can't I ever finish something with Tom Hanks in ?
I really liked this movie, actually .

I didn't call " my first agnostic Christmas "
because isn't that contradictory ?

Of course .
Life is tiring me .

I'm sorry I couldn't put more effort into this, but you do realize I am on a time limit here .
mfg .. why'd you remind me ??

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

quite an achievement

( Here now, I will take the symbols from this page ... )

On the third day of Christmas, my true love gave to me ( in reverse order ) :

1 ... partridge in a pear tree .
( What does it symbolize ? ) Jesus .
Simple enough, I think .

2 ... turtle doves .
The Old Testament & the New Testament .
I haven't read them, so I don't think I am one to talk .

3 ... french hens .
[ Why so many birds ? ]
The three " Theological Virtues : "
Faith, Hope, and Love .
Now here is one I can elaborate on .

Now, I am not entirely sure what theology is, so it's time to learn a new word . Thimber Tundra is processing .. And oh, why didn't I guess . It comes from the root word the-, meaning god . " The study of God and the truthfulness of religion in general .. " Well, that sounds sort of like what I am doing . Except I care more about the truthfulness of everything, not God or religion in particular . A virtue, of course, is a good quality . And Faith, Hope, and Love, incidentally, are exemplary ( very good ) qualities . Have Faith in your neighbour, and she will give you Hope . Hope for the best, and you will find the Will to carry on . Carry on, with Good in your heart and Love in your soul, and you will find the best of Friends . Then you will know Love, and you will be Happy . Assuming you handled things correctly, and did what you were supposed to do, no matter how unclear the circumstances appeared, that is quite an achievement .

In the real world, I watched :
The Nightmare Before Christmas,
Night at the Museum,
Pirates II : Man's Chest,
You've Got Mail .
Excelentes .

* Chewy chewy chewy chewy *
Quite an achievement !
Appreciate what you have .

Sunday, December 24, 2006

i changed my mind on having a point

It is Christmas Eve and I should be excited . Sure I am . I noticed something different this year : I feel .. refreshed . I am not too anxious about what my presents will be, for a change .. in fact, I don't even remember what I wanted . Instead, I am anticipating, just can't wait to see, the look on his face when he opens his presents from me . It is a strange feeling, and I like it .

I have recently begun writing another story .. I have a perfect plot, but as always it is difficult to determine a motive for everything . I was in a particularly pickly situation on this one, but finally it hit me, came to me . What better motive is there, than love ? And it works so well . But of course -- love works for everything . After all, in the end, every story is a love story .

I would like to be the one to find the first odd perfect . But what are the chances ? As if I would even know how to begin .... My story ? Oddly, it is about perfection . Vernacular .. nice word . Face bella figura .. what a motto . I love it !

I watched Nacho Libre .. Funny in a straange way . I want to watch It's a Wonderful Life .. and I will .

Saturday, December 23, 2006

take a bite out of alt-world

" This is werid .
We're like, in a parallel universe . "

She read my thoughts . I was just thinking how much it seemed this way, and there she goes right out saying it . I find it so interesting that, when you go to a new place, you compare it to a place or places you have been before, and you look around at the people you don't know and have never met, and you notice that they look strangely familiar to a lot of the people you know from back home . Look-alikes . You'll think you see someone you recognize, then you notice it is just a look-alike .. a parallel person that looks the same, but has been brought up differently, and acts differently, so that it is apparent it is not the same person after all . It should not come as quite a surprise, I suppose, as God must run out of ideas from time to time . He must, and obviously does, have to repeat himself every now and then . But He tries his best, and he certainly does a good job at what it is he does .. even identical twins are slightly different . And when you do come to a new place, and you do see these look-alikes, you tell yourself that although many things are similar twenty miles away, they are not the same . And you adjust to the fact that nothing is the same, and begin to expect nothing to be connected too directly . And so it is particularly shocking when you recognize a person, and at first dismiss her as a look-alike like all those others, then later begin to second-guess herself . You realize that the similarity between this grrl and the grrl you knew two and a half years ago is too close for comfort .. And you stop cold when you take out that musty old book and see her picture . And at that moment it is as if time has relapsed, and your whole life changes in a second, and all you can do for the next few weeks is lie in bed thinking about her and wondering what is wrong with you . And now you have brought her up again, you know that all you will do for the next few weeks is lie in bed thinking about her and wondering what is wrong with you . And your memory fails you, and you wonder whether you should just accept the fact that you will never get to see her again and stop being so in love with her, or whether to keep trying to fulfill your obsession so as to feel complete again . But I seem to have gotten a little off-topic .. So let me break the ice again . Have you ever looked at a person, and in your mind seen someone else ?

Forget the commentary . What is wrong with me !!
I can't help it .

Think about it . Think about it .
How can you deal with the present,
when you are too busy dwelling on the past ?
The future is waiting .

What else is up ? Carter is nine months old today, and wears an 18-month size . Now is the time when he officially becomes one of us . I told you you should see him, before he becomes a person .. Well, you've lost your chance .

Friday, December 22, 2006

last Christmas, i failed you

Well, it's Christmastime again . By far the most celebrated holiday in the world, and one of the most special . The strictly jolly holiday, despite the obvious hurdles . It gives you that enigmatically magically warm feeling inside, unless of course you are a Scrooge and are too preoccupied to let love in . Hundreds of songs have been composed solely for this oh-so-special holiday, and age-old traditions continue to be enacted today . Although the holiday is technically religious, practically everyone seems to realize the need to come together and cooperate in an endless attempt to reach that cliche` we've all heard a thousand times : the " true meaning " of Christmas . The otherwise month of December transforms into a temporary miracle : the universal feeling that the world is at peace, regardless of what ever is truly going on around us . The world stops for these twelve-or-so short days, when we all exchange gifts from the heart and hugs from the soul, when we hang mistletoe and finally find we have an excuse to do what we've been longing for, when we make eggnog and savor its taste like no other, when we sing carols door-to-door, when we can't help but smile at all the repetitive holiday greetings, when we hang wreaths and idolize a certain tree with an oddly Romantic ardour, when we admit we're in love and we don't care who knows it, when we wonder where all the magic went, and when we realize that the colour green is much more than it's ed up to be . Our once-a-year opportunity to take a visit to the happiest place on Earth and enjoy it in all its glory . ( No, not Disneyland . ) And after Christmas Day, when you thought the magic was all over, don't forget that there are still eleven more days until Epiphany . And why can't they all be just as special ? This year, I am going to make them so . I will be appreciative and will not allow the love to end . I will keep the fire burning as long as possible . And yes, I will have some special posts for you . Now begins our sixteen-day break from reality, the best one we get all year .. so take advantage of it . Make each year's Christmas better than the one before . And if you try hard enough, maybe you can creat the illusion of squeezing a seventeenth day in there somewhere, and then all our problems will be solved . Believe me, it will be worth it . Oh and while I am at it, 2 AM is magic .

Thursday, December 21, 2006

you could be the first one

After a brief discussion with mi familia, I was drawn to conduct a search on the Z chromosome .. I figured some people would have some ideas written up about it, but I definitely did not expect it to actually exist, or to bring up 36,000 results . Driven further by curiosity, I decided to delve into this enigmatic topic and discover what this apparently not-so-fantastical chromosome is all about . Medicine Net defines it as " a chromosome in certain animals, such as chickens, turkeys, and moths . In humans, males are XY and females XX, but in animals with a Z chromosome, males are ZZ and females are WZ . " W too, eh ? Well that's interesting . But that doesn't give me much information at all . Not wanting to have to dig through all the other sites provided to me, I resolved to take the easy way out and ask my good friend Wikipedia ( which, by the way, could use and certainly deserves a nickname of some variety; as nine letters, no offense Christina, is a little long if we are to be close .. and I don't know anyone who would be better to do without one ) . Wikipedia -- here to be at-least-temporarily referred to as William Shrapnel, a name which I am not entirely sure why I chose because it doesn't necessarily make much sense and it is significantly longer than its name was in the first place, but which I will stick with nonetheless -- tells me that animals such as birds, fishes, and insects actually use this " ZW -determination system " to determine the of their offspring ( hence the plainly straightforward term ) . Who knew ! that birds, fishes, and insects were intelligent enough for this ? Nevertheless, now I see the reason for the two separate systems : in IZW, the ovum determines the of the offspring ( way to be repetitive ), rather than the sperm as in our system, IXY . They simply use different letters so that they can tell them apart ! Silly scientists .. But wait, hold up ! As if that weren't enough, there is more : a third system . IX0, the hermaphroditic system . No kidding . Moving on, what I am more interested in is whether a chromosome from one system can possibly exist in another system -- in a sort of, might I say, interdimensional existence . On one hand, you could say that is like saying that i could exist in the rational number system : it simply cannot, because you are comparing two completely different systems that could not mix if they wanted to . It's like having an immovable pole and an irresistable cannonball in the same dimension : it just does not work . But on the other hand, perhaps the female in a male-determinant system could develop some variety of Neville, some sort of different chromosome that would otherwise be unexpected . It would not necessarily be W, but it could be compared closely . Eh .. maybe I should just leave it be . I believe I understand well enough now, what I was not aware of before . But if you would like to delve further into the topic yourself, that is your problem . Er .. be my guest . Perhaps you will grow up to conduct some rather questionable experiments in your laboratory, like the Hulk's father ( his name escapes my memory ), and perhaps you will unearth the secret to having an immovable pole and irresistable cannon balls . Got 'ems .

Oh yeah,
Agnocure's birthday present ( slash party ? yeah right . ) will be belated this year . I apologize for the inconvenience ( yeah right . ) .

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

drafting through the process

I laugh too much !

When Albert and Justin and D.Ho and I went to see Marie Antoinette, zomg . You know that feeling -- maybe you don't, but -- when you are trying to hold it in soOo bad, but it's just so hard .. and you just can't .- and keep in mind, I am talking about laughing here, people -. and you feel like you're just guna have to burst ? And if and when you ally do, it comes out even louder and more irritating than it would have if you had just let it go ? And it is so annoying, because it always comes at the entirely wrong moments, when you really should be keeping quiet, and the people in the row in front of you have already warned you to quiet down, in that tone of voice that is so stern it is not even funny, and you automatically know they mean serious business . And that strange irony that whenever you pretend to be stern like that, you always just end up laughing at yourself anyway -- just like in a " staring " contest . And you feel so good inside, because you are laughing; but at the same time you feel so bad, because you know you really probably shouldn't be -- like getting tickled . And you immediately, or at least very soon after you start to begin to, try to control yourself; but your sudden sternness doesn't help, and you still in your thoughts keep on going back to thinking about that that made you laugh, and again you find the need to have to stifle yourself . And yes, I am using way too many words on purpose .. but so ? Isn't it fun ! And it did not bother me that much that time at the movie theatres that day, although I did feel rather embarrassed and was glad, or at least hoping, that the people around us understood a little and were not too angry at the fact that I seemed to find smallpox such a hilarious topic . But it was the second instance, a while afterward, that really got me to thinking ( that I should write a post on this topic one of these days ) . When we had our mock interview in business, I could not stay serious . That seems to be one of my weaknesses .. I can never keep a straight face . And it has often cost me in one way or another . So from now on, I no laugh so much . I recognize when be serious face .

Laughing in the rain .
Pick your poison .

Monday, December 18, 2006

such feel-good messages

Okay, so I lied .
I am sorry I could not be here for my blog's very first actual birthday .. but procrastination caught up with me . Ouch . Strumming my pain with her finger .. Singing my life with her words .. ki11ing me softly with her song .

Yes, I do have a present for him . Just let me remember it .

Recently, I watched :
Ladder 49 .. ( X] )
Click .. ( <] )
part of Shall We Dance ? .. ( =\ )
Bee Season .. ( 8O )

Strange, I thought it was about a spelling bee .
But somehow it ended up being about God and religion and shefa .. zmg .

Such feel-good messages .
I recommend them all .

I also recommend " The Meaning of Life " by Bradley Trevor Greive !

Rethinking my intent ..
Redefining my purpose ..
Reconstructing my platypus ..

Friday, December 15, 2006

my stance on thematic babies

Reconsidering my stance on life .
Excuse my absence,
I'll be back on Sunday .

Catching up on the holidays :

Happy belated ..
Mickey Mouse's birthday (11/18)
Children's Day (11/20)
Kan's birthday (11/26)
Kimly's birthday (12/9)
Human Rights Day (12/10)

and a happy birthday to Justin Tran, today !!
That means Eragon is out now ..

The Matic baby is due ..
Thematic baby .. the new literary element .
i Jurre` !

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

some of my best works, and a little bit of others'

Did some winter cleaning,
only five days before my blog's first birthday .
The sidebar is now a decent size, yay !

Anything that used to go in the sidebar,
now goes here .
And there is a link to this in the sidebar .

Proving the Proverbial Principles :
A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words

My Multiple Personalities ( NEW )

" Pick Your Poison " Picture Plethora :

1 . Olho Roxo : On Confusion
2 . Error 404 : On the Forb1dden
3 . Too Risky : On Secrecy
4 . Fixing : On Problems
5 . 999 : On Motives
6 . Desire Nothing : On Illogic
7 . 1000 : On Deja Vu

A Secret that Never Grows Old :
( NEW )
Introduction : The Claims of a Guy Who Never Learned to Commit
Part One : Confessions of a Fickle Friend
Part Two : The Urge to Tell Her ( follow-up to Approach )
Part Three : Disconsolation of a Maddening Divinity
Part Four : Too Much in Love (It's Nice) ( A Song )
Part Five : Repercussions of an Illness Undefined

The Hangover :

Christmas Eve
Christmas : Days 1-3
Christmas : Days 4-7
Three Queens on the Wall
Christmas : Days 8-11
Christmas : Day 12
Epiphany 1 : Religion
Epiphany 2 : Review
Epiphany 3 : Renewal

Cabbages and Kings :

On Cr4cking Up
On Chromosomes ( ZW )

On Christmastime
On Cruel Irony
On Creepy Revelations ( Platypoda, follow-up to ZW )

Songwriting :
September 31st (On Giving Up)
I Want You (On Uncontrollable Desire)
Like No Other (On Secrecy and Mystery)
Shoulder Pad (On Unconditional Friendship)
A Little Thing (On Impossibilities)
( NEW )
Too Much In Love (It's Nice) (On Acceptance) ( Secret 4 ) ( NEW )
Missing You (On the Lack Thereof) ( NEW )

A Collection of Leftover Thoughts :
A Collection of Leftover Thoughts
The Fine Line

A Handful of Random Rants on the World ( NEW )
A Continuation of Random Rants on the World ( NEW )
A Few More Words My Hands Have Wrenched from My Heart ( NEW )

The Falling Action : ( NEW )
Reverse Psychology (In Verse)
Thank Gahd (A Response)
Where is that Life ? (A Loss of Identity)
Sir Destiny (Tried and True, and Tricksy)
Finding Salvation in Repose Unaltered (A Response)
What Goes Through My Head (Talking to Myself)
Who is Bella ? (The Perfect Grrl)
My Time as a Figment of Sanity (Your CDA)
The Briefest Glimpse (of a Singular Glimmer of Identity)
The Circle of Love (Reminiscence)
Connections to a Twisted Fate (Directed Unto R.)
Suddenly Complicated (A Response)
How a Man Totally Loses and Finds Himself Again
(All at Once in the Duration of a Few Short Hours)

The Redundancy Series :
( NEW )

The Rabies Series (Mainly, on Religion) :
( NEW )
Part One
Part Two
Part Three

Poetry and Wishful Thinking
(or, Two Titles for Everything) :

I Wish (Life With You)
I Feel (So Much to Say)
Why (Mistakes)
Feelings (When Everything Was Simple)
I Apologize (for the Confusion)
Uncertainty (Back to Basics)
The Colors of Life : Part 1
The Colors of Life : Part 2
Back Together (Who Do You Wish for ?)
The Urge to Approach (How Do You Explain ?)
Through Different Eyes (A Response to Innocence and XP)
The Bitter Truth (Horseradish)
Regret 1 : At the Prime of Our Lives
Regret 2 : With the Passing of Grief
Regret 3 : The Remnants from Lucidity

The Darkest of Darknesses (What I Would Do Without You)
Something I Wrote Without Looking (When I Cannot Think)
Heart of Darkness (Redundancy)
Love Me Just Once (A Fantasy)
Too Many Times (All I Want)
Remember I a Long Forgotten Verse (A Rhyming Poem) ( NEW )
Always Falling, Ever Falling (A Mindless, Heartless Rant) ( NEW )
Who Moved My Cheese ? (An Analysis) ( NEW )
Gilgamesh (An Analysis)
( NEW )

Asfalt For Fowl (in order: l1 t1 r1 l2 r2 t2) :
Thinking 1 : The Research
Thinking 2 : The Trials

Religion 1 : The Challenge
Religion 2 : The Questioning
Love 1 : The Precursor
Love 2 : The Rant and the Ramble

The Blog*Spot Community,
in Chronological Order :
James Li
Tara (
Kan Dang (
An Vo (
Rachel Om (
Fairooz (
Jon Chang

Class of '09 (
Peter Kim (idle)
Get Your Own !

Thirteen Random Links :
Mr. Logic
N : The Way of the Ninja
Epic 2015
Homestar Runner
I Am Bored
Ze Frank
Exploding Dog
Caption Swap
How to Take Over the World

Wapparoatomm :
June : Part 1
June : Part 2

Previously Used Blog Titles,
JiC You Were Wondering :
* it's called sarcasm
* i noe somting you don't noe
* tickle me turquoise

Monday, December 11, 2006

a collection of leftover thoughts

A Collection of Leftover Thoughts
( or, Enough Words to be Considered Important ) :
[ started the second afternoon of December ]

I try to be open-minded . I attempt to be accomodating . I strive to accept anyone and everyone who is a part of my life, a feat which many do not care to do for me . And I believe that no thought is unimportant or insignificant . But there are infinite ways to look at everything . If there were only one answer to every problem, only one way out of every situation, only one true road at each crossroads, with no need for a detour choice .. If there were only my way, and no highway option; think how much easier everything would be . Then think how boring it all would be . So the plethora ( excuse me for my overuse of the word ) of viewpoints available is often a good thing . It gives us variety, the spice of life, and adds that third dimension to the world -- like Frankenstein . Even when I myself look back on something a few mere hours later, I see it in an entirely different manner than I did before . But this aspect of life often leads to a great downfall . " They say that love conquers all .. but so can hat3 . " The fact that everyone sees everything in a completely different way than the person next to them, or across from them, or living a thousand miles away and thinking of them, practically scares us out of our wits . We often suddenly get the feeling that nothing in this world is certain -- which, to the best of my knowledge, is entirely true -- and this state of uncertainty, this field of ambiguity, unsettles us, makes us uneasy . And we are confused . And if we can find the wisdom to look this confusion in the eye and past it, beyond it, to the yonder lengths of " outside the box, " and search for an answer, to solve this riddling problem confronting us; we are spurred to write thousands upon thousands of words on, to some, seemingly meaningless topics, which to us are some of the most essential thoughts in our world . And we cannot help but continually remember that time long ago when everything was simple . When we were very young, and we didn't know any better .

I need to increase my vocabulary . I find myself struggling to find the words I want and need to express my feelings clearly and easily . But then again, some of them do not exist . That is the little problem with language . Oftentimes it is difficult to determine the correct word, because there are so many, yet not enough . And my writing .. third place is not sufficient, for me .

I find it interesting how everything fits together so amazingly . I think .. strike that, let me try again . Think of a time, a memory, just one moment in your life that you remember relatively clearly and distinctly . Remember what you did then . Look back on your thoughts and feelings in that instant, and what you did to act on them . Now determine what happened because of that . And then ask yourself, what would happen if you had done something else ? How much would have changed because of that one little, seemingly meaningless, unimportant, or insignificant moment ? What would be different now ? How much did your answer to that one question really matter ? And think of the time span, too . Everything you do takes up a perfectly unique unit of time . If you had done something even the slightest bit different, it would take a little bit longer, or a little less time; and everything in turn would be thrown off by those few seconds or milliseconds . Which may not seem like a lot, but believe me, it adds up . And so, everything that follows in the sequence of events would then be just that little bit tweaked, which can matter to an extreme extent . Those few little seconds or minutes could be the deciding factor in the future of a relationship months or years to come . Or even next week, or tomorrow . The butterfly effect . If you really think about it, about everything you have done, and everything you have not done, you begin to analyze a lot more . As I am doing, not just in my writing, but even more in my mind right now . And I would say " overanalyze, " but I don't think there is such a thing . I don't believe it is possible to think too much . You might think so much it hurts, or too much for your own good, but it is never too much for the good of others . Which is, a great portion of the time, why I think . This point is conveyed quite nicely in the poem " Smile, " by Barbara Hauck .

" She smiled at a sorrowful stranger . The smile seemed to make him feel better . He remembered past kindnesses of a friend and wrote him a thank-you letter . The friend was so pleased with the thank-you that he left a large tip after lunch . The waitress, surprised by the size of the tip, bet the whole thing on a hunch . The next day she picked up her winnings, and gave part to a man on the street . The man on the street was grateful; for two days he'd had nothing to eat . After he finished his dinner, he left for his small dingy room . ( He didn't know at that moment that he might be facing his doom . ) On the way he picked up a shivering puppy and took him home to get warm . The puppy was very grateful to be in out of the storm . That night the house caught on fire . The puppy barked the alarm . He barked 'til he woke the whole household and saved everybody from harm . One of the boys that he rescued grew up to be President . All this because of a simple smile that hadn't cost a cent . "

And this is what my point is when I say no thought is unimportant or insignificant; because everything runs together in the wake of time . But it could be argued how much everything really does matter, because it really does just matter what time it is . When you look back on what you have done in the past, it obviously does matter to an extreme extent, because you can already see everything that you could not see before . But at the time you are doing something, you really have no idea what effect anything will have on the future, because six billion others are also doing something at the same time you are, and their actions, believe it or not, will have an effect on your future as well . Although, as much as it adds to my meaning, the effect of the lecture, I really should not say " your " future, since everyone obviously has the same future, as there is only one Time of which all of us as we know ourselves to be are a part . And so this prompts my next point in a matter of wording : that time really is the deciding factor in everything . No matter how much you try to affect the future, nothing is your fault . It is time . Time does everything . Six billion other people are also trying to affect the future, plus the forces of nature and so on . I may seem to be contradicting myself, but that is only because time makes it certain that nothing can truly be understood . This world as we know it is one thing, but what about the Rest as we do not know it ? And so it is really quite difficult to express what I am trying to say, but I think I am trying my best . And I am doing better, getting closer, to finding pure thought, and to saving the world .

And Time rambles on with a slow and steady pace, not stopping for anyone, yet not passing anyone by . Every second is a second you can never get back . Every minute is a chance you can never relive . Every hour is another regret for your plethora .

Every little thing counts, yet none of it really matters .
It all depends on how you look at it .
As I find myself continually saying the same things over and over, and running out of newfound generic ideas, I decide I should now try to start focusing more on specific things .

Rebellion is the answer to all our problems .. But some other people don't think so . You don't believe me either ? I'll prove it, transitively .. in just a moment .
I watched Koko : A Talking Gorilla .. and in conjunction with what we are talking about in English concerning cloning, I begin to question the definition of human conscience .
And I have found an answer :
To question is to rebel .
To rebel is to get answered .
To get answered is to understand .
To understand is to be conscious .
To be conscious is to be human .
To be human is to be accepted .
To be accepted is to agree .
To agree is to be happy .
The key to all our happyness, is in the questioning . All we need to do, is cooperate .

Guau . That's so pro .
I amaze myself .

= 1525 words .

Laughter, and unnecessary commas .
This is like, absolutely appropriate for me right now .

Now, I am looking at things with a much different light .
Mygah .

= and 25 more .
Truly .

Sunday, December 10, 2006

everyone loves a bad guy

[ I see everyone else's oh-so happy dappy lives,
and I begin to wonder .

[ Why are they appreciated so much more ?
Why, when I do just the same, or more,
do they get praised, while I get spurned ? ]

Now I know .
It's because everyone loves a bad guy .

I apologize for allowing my temper to take me back .
I apologize for being a hypocrite -- here .
Think before you speak .

But speak before you think .
Some things ought not to be taken literally .

Frikin ay, Geoff ...

" It's not the size of the gift,
it's the meaning behind it . "
~ Valencia Inn ~

This is what I meant here .

The past few nights
have practically
turned my life around .

I would say " all but, "
but it is not entirely fitting here .

Albeit . lol .
Nice word .

" You have love .
That's the only future God gives us . "
~ Jean Valjean, Les Mis ~

Sunday, December 03, 2006

one word at a time

On 11/23, my mother called this blog my journal, and I thought, no way is this a journal . This has got to be something else . But I couldn't put my finger on anything . I'm like, what could I logically call this .. What is this ? What is this rambling plethora of inexplicable thoughts ? This great big old mess of mine ? This monster I have created, like Frankenstein ? " Call it an early weekend . Call it going off the deep end . Call it what you want, I've made up my mind . " This is saving the world, one word at a time .

I see everyone else's oh-so happy dappy lives,
and I begin to wonder .

Why are they appreciated so much more ?
Why, when I do just the same, or more,
do they get praised, while I get spurned ?

If you read only one part of the entire series, read this :
" One could say, in fact, that no story really has a beginning, and that no story really has an end, as all of the world's stories are as jumbled as the items in the arboretum, with their details and secrets all heaped together so that the whole story, from beginning to end, depends on how you look at it . We might even say that the world is always in medias res ... and that it is impossible to solve any mystery, or find the root of any trouble, and so [the end] is really the middle of the story ... or even the beginning of the story .... But one cannot sit in the midst of things forever . Eventually one must face that the end is near . "
~ The End, 288-9 ~
" There is a kind of crying I hope you have not experienced, and it is not just crying about something terrible that has happened, but a crying for all of the terrible things that have happened, not just to you but to everyone you know and to everyone you don't know and even the people you don't want to know, a crying that cannot be diluted by a brave deed or a kind word, but only by someone holding you as your shoulders shake and your tears run down your face .... For a minute the four castaways did nothing but weep, letting their tears run down their faces and into the sea, which some have said is nothing but a library of all the tears in history . [They] let their sadness join the sadness of the world, and cried for all of the people who were lost to them . They cried ... for all of their companions and guardians, friends and associates, and for all of the failures they could forgive and all of the treacheries they could endure . They cried for the world . "
~ The End, 306-7 ~
" It is likely your own eyes were closed when you were born, so that you left the safe place of your mother's womb ... and joined the treachery of the world without seeing exactly where you were going . You did not yet know the people who were helping you make your way here, or the people who would shelter you as your life began, when you were even smaller and more delicate and demanding than you are now . It seems strange that you would do such a thing, and leave yourself in the care of strangers for so long, only gradually opening your eyes to see what all the fuss was about, and yet this is the way nearly everyone comes into the world . Perhaps if we saw what was ahead of us, and glimpsed the crimes, follies, and misfortunes that would befall us later on, we would all stay in our mother's wombs, and then there would be nobody in the world but a great number of very fat, very irritated women . In any case, this is how all our stories begin, in darkness with our eyes closed, and all our stories end the same way, too, with all of us uttering some last words ... before slipping back into darkness as our series of unfortunate events comes to an end . "
~ The End, 319-20 ~
.. De'ja` vu ..

Avacados in transit ..

Dried strawberries are magically delicious ..

" Every boss has a boss . "
} " What about God ?
} Who is God's boss ? "
" God's boss is his wife . "

" I don't want to go to school tomorrow,
but I have to . "

" No one is in charge of your happiness
except you . "
~ El Dorado Inn ~

a picture is worth 1250 words

Proving the Proverbial Principles :
A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words
[ Started the 18th of November ]

What is art ? Art is like love; it is many things, it is varied . Art is the name of the picture above, conveniently provided by Google, which I will proceed to prove is worth a thousand words . Art is a painting . Art is a sculpture . Art is a drawing . Art is a statue . Art is a boy's name, possibly short for Arthur . Art is the arrangement of food on a plate . Art is mixing the ketchup and mustard to make orange . Art is the picture you make with your corn dog and your condiments . Art is writing . Art is creative . Art is an image . Art is visual, what one sees . Art is a feeling, an emotion . Art explains the inexplicable . According to Mrs. Handson, " art is anything that makes you feel strongly, that insists on your attention, or desires to be noticed . Art is defined by intent / purpose . Art can be good, bad, taste1ess, and quality . Art pushes extremes; tests boundaries; and portrays ideas, thoughts, opinions, and concepts . Art is always a matter of opinion . " In my opinion, just about everything is a matter of opinion . Take a fact, for example, that everyone assumes to be plain and simple : that the sky is blue . Is the sky blue ? Not if you are color-blind .. then the sky is grey . Everything can be argued, therefore everything is a matter of opinion . And yes, of course you could get into definitions . What is opinion ? What is color ? What is blue ? But not everyone agrees with the denotations .. that is why there are connotations . Hence, that just makes everything even more a matter of opinion . So does that mean that everything is art ? Not necessarily . She says that art is always a matter of opinion, not that a matter of opinion is always art . And she could be mistaken, as well . Art may not always be a matter of opinion .. some people might disagree . Making the fact, that art is a matter of opinion, a matter of opinion . I believe that anything and everything can be considered art, but it depends what you view art as . There are many definitions, of course . For the sake of simplicity, most people view art as only one certain thing; so that there is a distinction between art and not art . If everything were art, then art would practically be a synonym for everything, so there would be no point for having the word art in our language . Speaking of languages, art is ars, arte, arti, arto, arz, kunst, list, seni, taide; to name a few . Ask Wiktionary for even more . Another way of saying that something is a matter of opinion, is saying it depends on how you look at it; which is a prominent phrase in The End, which I have recently finished reading and suggest anyone and everyone else to do the same . But not, of course, until after you have read the twelve books preceding it in the series by Lemony Snicket . And if you haven't at least started to read this series, I feel sorry for you . I really, truly do . I empathize . Lemony Snicket, less well-known as Daniel Handler, really gives you a newer, fresher, better, truer, look at the world; through his use of thorough descriptions and explanations, repetitions, and connections with the reader . I feel as if I know him, yet he is still so far away . And it may not seem too exciting, but this is actually quite a wonderful feeling . My goodness, I was starting to sound like a literary critic for a moment there . I realize I have begun to get off-topic just a bit, so I will get back on track now; and perhaps consider providing you with over a thousand words, if I have the time and resources, so that even if some of these words do not seem to relate to the subject at hand, the picture above, in any manner whatsoever, you will not be able to say that I failed the prompt because there must be at least a thousand sufficient words hidden in here somewhere . Excuse my complicated grammar . Notice : what colors does Google choose to use for its logo ? Red, yellow, blue . And green ! I've always said green was special . You don't see orange or purple up there anywhere . But green is alone . Why ? Why must he sit by himself, in solitary confinement, away from his fellow spheres, rather than stay up in the foreground with them ? Well, for one thing, it makes for better-looking art . And if that is the purpose here, it is done quite well indeed . It also seems that green is significantly smaller than the others . Of course, it could just be the illusion of depth; but it sure does not appear so . You want to know why green is out alone ? Because green is a soldier . His shoulders hold up so much, they won't budge . He'll never fall or fold up . He's a soldier . Even if his collar bones cross or crumble, he will never slip or stumble . His fellow spheres have abandoned him, rejected him, left him dejected, to wallow in his misery . And rot in time . But if he is strong, he will do no such thing . He may not have any eyes, or any mouth, or hands with which to express his feelings, but you can be sure of what he is thinking within that shiny, round, green, wonderous visage of his . He may feel scared, frightened, or unwanted, all of which I assure you he is in fact feeling, but he believes in himself . He believes that he can suck it up, and pull it through . He believes that if he really tries, he can do anything . And he can . Thousands of emotions are running through his head all at once, fighting for approval; survival of the fittest . He is more confused than ever before, and does not know what in the world, or out of this world, to think . But he needs to stand his ground . For now he is keeping his distance, because no one likes him, no one understands him, no one appreciates him . And if he came any closer, yellow or blue would beat him to bits . Red, hence his hiding place between and behind the two of them, is a little too bashful to do anything like that . But one day, green will be ready . He will have a plan, and he will put his foot down . And he will show them who ought to be beaten to bits by whom . All in due time, my dear . All in due time . And have I proven myself ? Have I shown that a picture, in truth, really is worth a thousand words ? I believe I have . None of the thoughts expressed by these words are entirely random . And I definitely could write quite a bit more on the topic if I wanted to . Everything is connected to something else somehow . But then again, the same is true with all thoughts . So truly, it is impossible to know whether I have or I have not . Because everything is a matter of opinion; and no matter how hard you try to convince your friends and colleagues, or even yourself, otherwise, every single rational thought, in context with the others around it, depends on how you look at it . And that is part of the reason why everything these days is so messed up -- which I will get to next time .

= 1250 words .

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