A lull in the excitement of life . And so begins the " Pick your Poison " Picture Plethora .. yet even more P's . Hooray ! And without warning ? No ma'am . If you had paid attention, you would notice I had warned you .
Maybe it will not be a significant lot of pictures compared to some blogs ', but seeing as I never have any, I thought I would put up these I'd been saving, all at once .Here is the First Helping [ from the 23rd of January ] :

We begin with an image of an eye, as you can see . If you cannot, then you might should consider getting yours checked . I admit that this is not my picture, and I apologize but I have forgotten where it came from . Since it does not show up on Google's image search, I assume it does not matter too significantly . The image, when I found it, was entitled " olho roxo . " This means, in Portuguese, purple eye . Fitting, I think . Purple, also known as violet, is formed by mixing blue and red . According to my rainbow metaphor, blue symbolizes happiness and red shows anger . Mix the two, and you get confusion . In another sense, a rare one at that, Purple is apparently a family name . I would like to see that guy .. Show me a guy named Purple, and I will show you .. er .. something else ? Moving on . Portuguese, by the way, is a truly astounding language . Stupendous ! That is what language should sound like, ideally . Soft and smooth, and romantic . Incidentally, just the way I like my grrls .. jPlaying . CONFUSION ! o . mai . gahhh .. Besides being a just-as-annoying attack in Poke`mon, it is one of the most devi1ishly maddening emotions encounterable . EH ...That is all I have to say at the moment .Sorry, it's just I'm a bit confused about all this ..More ... The eyes can convey a mucho lot about how a person is feeling . And looking into someone's eyes can convey a whole lot about how you are feeling . Keep a steady, friendly line of sight with someone else's eyes, and a moment will pass when each of you wonders what the other is thinking, and a feeling will elate you both that is often too confusing to put into any words . Phew ..
Point in case ?
I thought it was a pretty picture .
( But of course, I couldn't put it up here all by itself ..
so I give it some words to accompany . )
1 comment:
very very interesting.
i enjoyed how you managed to give an entire back story on one image find by google search. you know, i bet your mind is an....intriguing place to wander about. i personally do not think that i would be able to come up with such a capitivating dialogue about one picture. maybe with time. or if i had taken said picture myself. although, it is abilities like these that makes one an effective writer. "it is not just enough that we say we are writers. we must be able to prove it, on the spot." -anonymous. all the cool quotes are.
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