Tuesday, October 31, 2006

just a little chemistry for you

Silver Nitrogen Oxygen Sulfur Titanium Carbon Iodine Samarium,
or something along those lines
.. Just a little chemistry for you

I can't spell my name ..

Chemistry .

I watched Akeelah and the Bee,
and Remember the Titans again ..
Good morals .

The Samson 10-Point Love/Hate Scale :
+4 = True love
= Strong bond
+2 = Moderate bond
+1 = Slight bond
+0 = Acquainted
-0 = Unacquainted
-1 = Slight discord
-2 = Moderate discord
-3 = Strong discord
-4 = Pure hatred

The fours are the absolute extremes ..
To have a 4-relationship at 15 ??
Highly improbable .

I don't lie ..
I just pretend .

7-11 is speciall ..
why ? turn it around and get
11-7 and 1-17 XD
.. but what do they mean ?
That's for me to know .

Good morals .

We forget,
to see who will remind us .

We cry,
to see who will wipe our tears .
We let our heart break,
to see who will fix it .

I slept 15 hours Saturday morning,
from 10 to 1 ..
and 10 hours Sunday morning,
from 11 to 8 ..
it's not often I can say that !

The cold is like a hot potato ..
either you pass it on and it goes away,
or you keep it and you're out .

I feel like a virus ..
so now I know what it's like .
Viruses don't mean to hurt us, folks ..
they just want some company D"

And a very happy birthday to you, Erin,
two days late ..

Something special for Halloween ..
coming tomorrow .

Thursday, October 26, 2006

thinking of you .. breaking up .. with me

For all the voices of the mountain,
and all the colors of the wind ..

I present to you
a spontaneous poem :

" Back Together "
( Who do You Wish for ? )
by Siesta Lingo

Who do you love just for being there ?
} Who do you wish would be there ?
Who listens to your every word ?
} Who do you wish would notice you ?
Who makes you smile when no one else could ?
} Who do you wish would smile for you ?
Who do you consider your best friend ?
} Who do you wish you were better friends with ?
Who would do anything for you ?
} Who do you wish you could trust ?
Who always has your back ?
} Who goes behind your back ?
Who tells you the truth, no matter what ?
} Who keeps secrets from you ?
Who surprises you, when you least expected it ?
} Who betrays you, when you least expected it ?
Who will never let you down ?
} Who will never pick you up ?
Whose shoulders are always available as a lean-to ?
} Who would never take the weight off your shoulders ?
Who remembers what's important to you ?
} Who do you wish would pay more attention to you ?
Who do you comment on ?
} Who do you wish would leave you one ?
Who do you think of while you're reading this ?
} Do you know someone who is thinking of you ?
} .. Do I ?
} Is someone thinking of me ?
} Who's to know ..
} "/
} Who makes things break up like they do ?
Who helps you put them back together ?

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

who's to know ?

I think I may have the whole color wheel concept backwards ..
but who's to know ?

The only way to find out is through research .
Research of people .
What was their life like ?
And what was their favorite color ?
I really think there must be some pattern behind all this ..
But the ways of life are so complex,
who's to know ?

I doubt you really want to look into that research,
but if by some chance you do, I'd appreciate it .
I have a little too much on my hands,
and a little too little time to wash it all off .
But I'm not sure my sink is working, anyway ..
The water is looking a little murky .
Where's a good plumber when you need one ?

Plumbers work for God .
Oh, you thought I didn't believe in God ?
That's interesting ..
Is there a God ?
Who's to know ..

Watch this :
. 143 .
Put it to a beat ..
3 steps from 1 to 4
3 steps from 4 to 3
2 steps from 3 to 1
Reverse it ..
. 233 .

Magic !!
Could it exist ?
Who's to know ..

Impressions . mean everything ..

" I swear, by the moon and the stars in the skies,
I'll be there .
I swear, like the shadow that's by your side,
I'll be there . "

I think I've met Bella ..
but who's to know ?

Nacho Verde = N.V.
Coincidence ? I think not .

I started blogging to let it out ..
Now I blog to let it in .

I'll try to take it easy on the quotes now ..
Just leave a comment and we'll call it even .

Who do you blog for ?
Who do you dream about, then wonder why ?
When you see a stranger, who do you compare them to ?
Who is running through your mind when you run a mile ?
Who's to know ???

Follow-up another day ..

Monday, October 23, 2006

balance out your palette

Religion just complicates things .
Need proof ?
One of the longest words in the English language,
has to do with the church .

"Religion is the biggest hoax in history."
~True thaT~

"Ob-la-di, ob-la-da,
life goes on bra!
La-la, how the life goes on."
~The Beatles~

"When all you got to keep is strong,
move along, move along like I know you do.
And even when your hope is gone,
move along, move along just to make it through.
Move along.
"When everything is wrong,
we move along."

I don't believe in coincidence .
Everything happens for a reason .
The hard part is figuring out what that reason is ..

At this point, as most of you already know (hopefully),
My favorite color is green,
signifying a passionate life .
My second favorite ? Orange,
a depressed life .

The colors don't lie .

And when I said your challenge in life
is to find your true color,
I just meant
find which colors express you ..
then use those colors to paint a pretty picture .

Just because you live an orange life,
doesn't mean you have to always be depressed .
That is just what comes to you naturally .
But throughout life, you can borrow other colors
from the people around you,
to help balance out your palette .
That's what friends are for .

Indigos have it in their b1ood,
but anyone can make a difference .
You just need to know how to utilize what you have,
while you have it .

"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.
We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?
Actually, who are you not to be?
We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us.
And as we let our own light shine,
we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same."
~Marianne Williamson~

"It's the little things that count.
Like today when I left my apartment,
I saw somebody say "sh17," then turn....
Little things."

* Happy belated Alaska Day .
* Happy Red Ribbon Week .
~ d|2uG fReE fO lYfE ! ~
* Happy Mole Day .
and a very * happy birthday to Namila !
He could be Ravla's new best friend ..

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

different pages from the same story

Google pwns .
Need proof ?
= googol
= greater than the number of particles
in the known universe
[ Go here if you need still more proof
.. look in Miscellanea,
which btw I didn't know was a word ]

From the history book :
"Skepticism, the idea that nothing
can ever be known for certain....
To doubt old ideas...
was the first step toward finding truth....
Whenever a new belief arose,
it replaced an old belief
that people once accepted as truth.
In the same way... the new belief
would also probably be replaced
by some different idea in the future.
For these reasons... humans could never
have absolute knowledge of what is true."
~but we can try (163)~

Friday night and Saturday morning,
I slept for thirteen hours
from nine to ten ..
I think my record is fourteen .
And the least ? four .
The latest I've stayed up till,
and the earliest I've awoken ?
5:30 .

I won the DDR tourney btw ..

If I learned one thing on Tuesday,
( .. why do ppls say that ?
It doesn't really make sense ..
I mean, I can understand
if you say something like
"If I like anyone, she is Christina,"
that is something that maybe you're not sure of ..
but you should know if you learned something ..
anway, )
it is that I don't need to do anything to my hair
because it does not listen to me anway .
I can do whatever I can to my hair,
to try and mess it up ..
and it will still look the same .

Our world is built solely on trust .
Trust going both ways .
Without that trust,
all he11 would break loose ..
trust me .

I wonder if Bob the builder works with relationships .. ?
"Can we build it? Yeah!
Can we fix it? Yeah!"

Our love is like a sycamore ..

Don't take things personally from me ..
because it is never about you .
Everything is my problem .

We both seek the same answers,
just you seek them through God,
and I seek them through myself ..

"We are in this life together,
even when one moves without the other.
Different pages from the same story.
This aching is familiar,
it's something I remember.
We can't touch without feeling.
Can't heal without healing.
Only the young could fall so hard,
could be so careless and ignore the scars.
So we will move out of the way this time,
making room for each other,
one without the other.
We are broken,
but we are moving still.
A thousand different ways."
~Erin Taylor~

"How high does the sycamore grow?
If you cut it down,
then you'll never know."
~XD (CoW)~

Monday, October 16, 2006

conveniently provided to me

Google bought YouTube .
Awesome .

People say you can think what you want,
and just keep it to yourself .

A bit of advice :
Don't think what you want .
It will lead to more than just thinking .

Try to avoid thinking anything
people would not like you thinking .
Nowhere in the Constitution
are you granted freedom of thought ..

Just a thought .

I now plan to teach myself
about religion ..

I will start on EveryStudent.com,
a site conveniently provided to me
by Gmail's handy web clips .

But OGH !
Their articles are soo long ..
Gimme a few days, k ?

For now, a word from William Golding :

"He lost himself in a maze of thoughts
that were rendered vague
by his lack of words to express them.
Frowning, he tried again."
"Again he lost himself in deep waters."
"Again he fell into that strange mood of speculation
that was so foreign to him.
If faces were different when lit from above or below
--what was a face? What was anything?

"Life... is scientific, that's what it is.
In a year or two when the war's over
they'll be traveling to Mars and back.
I know there isn't no beast
--not with claws and all that, I mean--
but I know there isn't no fear, either."

"I mean when Jack says
you can be frightened
because people are frightened anyway
that's all right.
But when he says there's only pigs on this island
I expect he's right but he doesn't know,
not really, not certainly I mean--"

"I'm 15 for a moment,
caught in between 10 and 20...
And I'm just dreaming,
counting the ways to where you are."
~Five for Fighting~

"How do you document real life,
when real life's getting more like fiction each day?
"How do you write a song when the chords sound wrong,
though they once sounded right and rare?
When the notes are sour, where is the power
you once had to ignite the air?
"How do you leave the past behind
when it keeps finding ways to get to your heart?
It reaches way down deep and tears you inside out
'till you're torn apart!"
( Memorization practice "D )

Punctuspacion is on UrbanDict .

Why do I bother ?
I'm not entirely sure ..

"Sometimes in our lives,
we all have pain,
we all have sorrow.
But if we are wise we know
that there's always tomorrow."
~Lean on Me~

Sometimes I wish I had somebody to lean on .
Emo ? Maybe .
You have no idea what I went through with Lenna ..

Thanks Melissa .

Happy belated Columbus Day ..
and Friday, October the thirteenth .. (guau)
Happy Dictionary Day ..
Happy 150th, eh ?

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

waiting for this misery to end

"September 31st"
by Ghostbust

[It's too long tho, I think I'll cut it]

Have you ever wondered why you can't see thunder,
why lightning is as silent as the dust?
Have you ever questioned whether love is everlasting,
whether life is as fragile as your heart?
Have you ever listened to the silence, looked into the dark?
Have you ever been stuck on September 31st?

Things change, pieces rearrange.
You started with 200, now you have 199.
And there you go, walking through the snow,
sinking deeper with every step you take.
And now you know, nothing lasts forever,
so you're waiting for this misery to pass.

And you wonder why you can't see thunder,
why lightning is as silent as the dust.
And you question whether love is everlasting,
whether life is as fragile as your heart.
And you listen to the silence, look into the dark.
Sitting there, stuck on September 31st.

Have you ever stumbled, lost your train of thought, and mumbled,
and forgotten what you wanted to say?
Have you ever mentioned that you wanted some attention,
but everyone just turned and looked away?
Have you ever listened to the silence, looked into the dark?
Were you ever out of luck on September 31st?

Things change, pieces rearrange.
You started with 200, now you have 195.
And there you go, walking through the snow,
sinking deeper with every step you take.
And now you know, nothing lasts forever,
so you're waiting for this misery to pass.

And you stumble, lose your train of thought, and mumble,
and forget what you wanted to say.
And you mention that you want some attention,
but everyone just turns and looks away.
And you listen to the silence, look into the dark.
All out of luck on September 31st.

Things change, pieces rearrange.
You started with 200, now you have 191.
And there you go, walking through the snow,
sinking deeper with every step you take.
And now you know, nothing lasts forever,
so you're waiting for this misery to end.

Have you ever listened to the silence, looked into the dark?
Did you plum forget to duck on September 31st?
As you look into the darkness, listen to your heart,
if you ever feel stuck on September 31st.

[P.S. I'm on YouTube as thecubby]

I've given up on trying to make things right again
.. It's just too much

Monday, October 09, 2006

seven colors at the end of the rainbow

Some interesting thoughts I've noticed :
There's a hopelessness about this that's just so romantic ..
There's a mysteriousness about this that's just so appealing ..
Wings ? I'm jealous .
Well, they're definitely popular .
btw Max is a grrl ..

Oh good, I can still dance .
I aced Oni Butterfly ..

I watched The Pacifier ..
Great movie .
[ explicit content removed ]

"You wish you never ever met her at all"

You don't have to be in a gang to be gangsta .
And you don't have to be emo to listen to emo music .

All I'm saying is,
It is not necessary to deceive yourself .
You can live a more insightful life
with no strings attached .


Every life has a color .

Red is an angry life .
Yellow is a sad life .
Blue is a happy life .

Orange : Angry and sad .
A depressed life .

Green : Sad and happy .
A passionate life .

Violet : Happy and angry .
A confused life .

Violets are usually confused
because they border on indigo,
which isn't really clear on what it means .
Indigo is a special life .

Your favorite color
usually designates
your life color .

Therefore, your life color
can fluctuate .
Everyone's challenge in life
is to find their true color,
to find the gold
at the end of the rainbow ..

There are seven colors
at the end of the rainbow,
but where is the gold ?

Oh and by the way,
somewhere over the rainbow
is a place all of us strive to go,
but none of us can reach .

Although people still try,
because they are afraid
of the end ..


And that's the Crazy Gangsta Dance !

Saturday, October 07, 2006

then you can never go wrong

People say you should be yourself .
You shouldn't, necessarily .
Yourself might be a jackasth ..

What you really should do
is discover yourself, then
be unique .
That's what makes life fun and exciting .

Variety is the spice of life .

Oh and check that -
be pleasantly unique .
And then you can never go wrong .

I need to learn that most people
aren't as nice as me ..
They don't allow leeway ..

"Verde es el color de pasio'n"
ii PoR sEgUrO !!

"Those three words
are said too much,
they're not enough"
~Snow Patrol~

.. Wait,
did I say that already ?

ReD fRiDaYs !!
Confuse the world !!

Ay ..
wrote another song .

An I have one stuck in my head ..
but I only know like three words
. Check that, the tune to three words,
and it just keeps repeating ..
I'm like WTH is that !?!

The dance was a disappointment ..

Back to business !
I have new Social Experiments and
Analyzing Problems in the sidebar ..
( S Ex and Anal Probe )
Look out for updates

Happy birthday to Keoni

Thursday, October 05, 2006

can you truly begin to understand ??

AIM isn't cooperating
very well ..

I was guna make a link list
entitled "Social Experiments : Analyzing Problems"
but then I realized
if I shortened that, it would be
"S Ex : Anal Probe"

so I am considering other names ..
lol .

From the history book :

"When Henry II died,
his son Richard the Lion-Hearted
assumed the throne.
Richard's brother John,
an unpopular king, followed him."
That's Robin Hood for you ..

"There is neither Jew nor Greek,
there is neither slave nor free,
there is neither male nor female;
for you are all one in Christ Jesus."

[ Figuring Out Religion : The Challenge ]

I'm sorry, no offense to anyone,
but is that supposed to be a good thing ??
Is that supposed to make me feel better ??
Because it mostly just creeps me out ..

I'd rather be free, thanks .
This is the land of the free, after all .

And also ..
Since when is Greek a religion ?
and NO male or female !?!
Have you lost your mind ?!?
My goodness, Paul ..
Get some common sense !

Sure, a little religion could be good for you
in moderation ..
but too much just makes people senseless ..
And they depend too much on Jesus ..
It's like, 'Oh, I killed someone !
But that's all right, I'll just confess
and then everything will be fine !'

Learn to think for yourself .. !!
Power to individualism, I say ..

A message to all you religious ones,
a .. challenge of sorts :
Forget about Jesus .
Just for a day .
Separate from everything that's holding you down .
Look inside yourself .
Discover YOU .
Then can you truly begin to understand
the value of self ..

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

. no culture whatsoever .

So I've been DDRing,
to train up for the next tourney,
although I am sure it is not necessary ..

Anway, for anyone who is interested,
I have narrowed the AA's down to :

Danca de Yuka . . . .Heavy 8
Daikenkai . . . . . . . Heavy 8
Bag . . . . . . . . . . . Heavy 10
Sakura . . . . . . . . . Heavy 10
The Legend of Max .Heavy 10
Butterfly . . . . . . . . Oni
Giudecca . . . . . . . .Oni
Daikenkai . . . . . . . Oni
Sakura . . . . . . . . . Oni

and those are all devi1ishly hard,
[ Yum, devi1ed eggs ]
so I have begun to start trying for AAA's too .

Phew ..
I need a new mat .

I feel like Eminem ..
I just wana rap .
ANGRY rap .

Why'd I have to be white ?

I mean,

I have like, no culture whatsoever ..
I couldn't do anything for International Day,
even if I wanted to ..

White people have screwed themselves up in the past,
doing dumb stuff like slavery ..
( lol sorry for my lack of vocabulary )
And they think they are the "superior race" or w/e ..
That's just stupid .

I have no language that I can speak
like .. with my friends
like .. besides English ..

I'm gangsta .
But no one believes it ..
Just cause I'm white ..

I guess I could follow in Eminem's footsteps
.. but how ??

.. This is why I am such a rebel .
I am not at all unique
by nature;

I strive so hard
just to be accepted ..

Yes, I think I have hardships ..

So be nice .
It's not my fault .

And yeah, I was considering weaning away
from the unnecessary spaces ..
but screw that XP

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

a part of me will finish last

*I watched A Bug's Life..
*I watched The Emperor's New Groove..

Nice guys finish last.
Mean guys never finish.

Life is like a trip around the world..
You keep visiting the same places,
coming back to the same people,
but somehow they keep changing.

I remember having dreams,
but I don't remember sleeping..

Amores deben amar,
deben vivir en feliz,
deben divertirse,
pero no deben hablar de mal de otros..

Por favor.

Fortune's Cookie says:
"A frown keeps others away,
so smile today"

"In the long run,
you'll more likely be happy
with that pair of shoes
you got stuck with in a final sale,
than you will be with that pair of shoes
that you have thirty days to exchange"

"Have you ever heard the wolf cry
to the blue corn moon?"
"The wolf waits below,
hungry and lonely..
He cries to the moon"

"Without You" Dixie Chicks
"Without Me" Eminem
"My Love" Justin Timberlake
"Tu Amor" Rebelde
"Walk Away" Kelly Clarkson
"Walk Away" Paula Deanda
. Similarities . like no others .


"Mi amor,
I'm not sure of the right words to say"

"I can't explain this feeling,
I think about it everyday"

"You stay right between the lines of fear and blame,
and you begin to wonder why you came"

"I can take a few tears now and then and just let them out,
I'm not afraid to cry every once in a while"

A part of me wants to leave you alone.
A part of me wants for you to come home.
A part of me says I'm living a lie.
(And I'm better off without you.)
A part of me says to think it through.
A part of me says I'm over you.
A part of me wants to say goodbye.
A part of me is asking why...

"These words are my diary, screaming out loud,
and you know that you'll use them, however you want to
No one can find the rewind button now,
sing it if you understand.
And breathe,
just breathe"

"How to Save a Life" The Fray
"What Hurts the Most" Rascal Flatts
"Torn" Letoya Luckett
"Breathe (2 AM)" Anna Nalick

Last night,
Erin took away my last 17 minutes
that I was planning to post this with..

Wapparoatomm is over for now..
You can expect my next experiment within a week.

Sunday, October 01, 2006

143 .. and counting

I really thought today was September 31st ..
Honestly ..

Well, I guess it's October 1st again .
One year past .
And what a fitting post number ..

I present to you
a spontaneous poem :

" Uncertainty "
( Back to Basics )
by Siesta Lingo

When I see a certain couple,
I turn away.
I feel jealous.

When I hear certain words,
I remember before.
I feel angry.

When I notice certain numbers,
I am amazed.
I feel special.

When I play certain songs,
I smile inside.
I feel warm.

When I say a certain name,
I repeat myself.
I feel at home.

When I run into a certain someone,
I stumble.
I laugh.
I don't know what to do or say.
I don't understand how you make me feel.

I don't know your thoughts.
Your face,
your voice,
your eyes,
seem to be enough.

I know envy.
I know fury.
I know reason.
I know magic.
I know love.

But I'm not sure I know


Sometimes it is best
to think simple .

Busting her cycle,
wishing I never learned to count ..

poisoning the prune juice

Finally ..
This will be the last one .
Have fun with it :

Wappa # 8 :
" June : Part 2 "
( The Start of Summer )
5 days
6 posts
Page 30 in my journal

" In my defense,
your poisons all look alike .. "

Dr. Pepper is my HERO !
.. and I'm sOo glad it doesn't contain prune juice !

That sudden feeling
of everything you never wanted to feel ..

I don't feel like posting right now ..
Shane knows why .

I want to ..
But I just
can't .

Summer school didn't turn out sOo bad,
in a way ..


Thanks for the comments .
It's been fun

All information, unless otherwise sourced, copyright 2005-7 Agnocure .
All rights reserved . No plagiarism without permission, please .