Friday, January 26, 2007

a sincerely efficient medicine

A Search For an ALternative to Thinking
( Asfalt ) : The Trials

[ Started the 15th night of November .. d@mn .
Like I said, I have other business . ]

As you may recall ( or may not, as I realize it was quite a long while ago now ), on September 20th I began my search - and two days later, became aware that not everything is possible . And now, I will strive to find some answers - beginning with the easy ones . Be sure to read the Research first, or else none of this will make much sense ( as if it would anyway ) .

Firstly, it is important to remember not only what I am striving to do, but also why I want to find an alternative to thinking . It is not that I think thinking is bad or wrong; I strongly believe in it . But too much thinking can be bad for you - can give you a headache . That is why I am looking for one . One being not a headache, but an alternative, essentially to headaches .

Now, I know one simple antidote that seems to work rather well .. although it may not be the best solution . It appears to be the case that one's body can only handle a certain amount of pain at one time - so simply diverting your own mind by applying pain to some other part of your body should temporarily take most of the pain away from your head . This works with anything, really . Earaches, stomachaches, heartaches .. I find that any kind of ache is not really too enjoyable . Pick your poison . Mind over matter - the placebo effect .. a sincerely efficient medicine .

But I think it would be much more valuable if a method could be found to actually relieve the pain of a headache .. Medicine is dandy, rubbing your temples .. Those are all fine ideas; but you know me, I won't settle for less . Naturally, I looked to the source, the cause of the effect, and concluded that a headache could be prevented by not thinking so hard in the first place . Naturally, this is oftentimes extremely difficult; as thoughts can overcome you, practically consume you ..

" And this new Feeling would emerge inside of us, And we would not understand what It was, But we would find that It was powerful. And It would overcome us. "
~ excerpt from Feelings ~

But the fastest way to the finish line is often through a shortcut . The best way is an indirect one . So here I am, ... dangit, I don't even know what I am doing . Ahahha . But I'll do it anyway .. I just warn you, with something like this it is hard to be logically concise and organized, and present the facts in a clean and orderly manner, as would normally be the preference for most anyone .. So I will probably end up skipping around and leaving loose ends untied .

Soo collectively,
we have
as supposed alternatives to thinking :
* not thinking
* blogging
* mental paralysis
* thinking outside the circle
* Intuita
* buttons
* binary logic
* faith in God
* stupidity
* watching television

Not thinking is seemingly the most plain and simple one, but actually one of the most complex . You can't just not think . The closest you could actually get to this would be something like meditation, nirvana, or shefa . Blogging, at least the way I do it ( although I know I have a much different approach to it all ), cannot stop you from thinking, but it is a very good way to organize your thoughts, to get them out there when it is in other manners difficult . What does paralysis mean ? In pathology ( in medicine, " the study of the nature of disease " ), " a condition where the sufferer loses voluntary control of part of their body, such as [ your mind ] .. " Soo, mental paralysis is a fancy way to say " losing your mind . " Like shefa .. Why do I keep on mentioning shefa ? Because I saw Bee Season . Faith in God certainly is an alternative to thinking; but I would not like to stop thinking altogether .. Stupidity has an obvious technical flaw : it is plainly impractical . Television ? There it is in bold, capital letters : " eye strain headache from watching television . " " How to keep people from pushing your buttons " ? " No one can make you feel inferior without your consent . " ~ Eleanor Roosevelt ~

" Nicolescu calls on us to rethink everything in terms of what quantum physics has shown us about the nature of the universe . Besides offering an alternative to thinking exclusively in terms of binary logic, and showing how the idea of the logic of the included middle can afford hitherto unimagined possibilities, he also introduces us to the idea that Reality is not something that exists on only one level, but on many, and maintains that only transdisciplinarity can deal with the dynamics engendered by the action of several levels of Reality at once . " ~ two sentences ~ And rather interesting . But what a shame, I do not know quantum physics .. and at the moment, am not particularly willing to learn . Intuita and the circle thing just seem like a waste of time .. which apparently is what this entire fiasco is turning out to be .

* Sigh * The evidence points to Brad and Ted being the most factually accurate . But I really am interested in that shefa thing ( from now on I will not italicize it, for simplicity's sake ), and believe I may have the capabilities . From what I have seen on Bee Season, the term's embodiment in a movie, the capabilities are rebelliousness, creepiness, and random spasms and anxiety attacks . I show signs of all the symptoms ! My history of semilucid dreams may help as well .

A search for " shefa " on Google ( of course ) yields even more results than my previous search : 171,000 . A lot of them, though, appeared to be decoys . Fortunately, I needed only go through six to find the shefa weblog : " psychology and the technology of thought . " ( " How can you upgrade your feelings ? " ) The only real problem is that it is all in the wrong language . YAY !! This does not look like an efficiently worthy priority . But please, definitely take into consideration what I said at the beginning .

Divert the pain, buddy .

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