Saturday, December 23, 2006

take a bite out of alt-world

" This is werid .
We're like, in a parallel universe . "

She read my thoughts . I was just thinking how much it seemed this way, and there she goes right out saying it . I find it so interesting that, when you go to a new place, you compare it to a place or places you have been before, and you look around at the people you don't know and have never met, and you notice that they look strangely familiar to a lot of the people you know from back home . Look-alikes . You'll think you see someone you recognize, then you notice it is just a look-alike .. a parallel person that looks the same, but has been brought up differently, and acts differently, so that it is apparent it is not the same person after all . It should not come as quite a surprise, I suppose, as God must run out of ideas from time to time . He must, and obviously does, have to repeat himself every now and then . But He tries his best, and he certainly does a good job at what it is he does .. even identical twins are slightly different . And when you do come to a new place, and you do see these look-alikes, you tell yourself that although many things are similar twenty miles away, they are not the same . And you adjust to the fact that nothing is the same, and begin to expect nothing to be connected too directly . And so it is particularly shocking when you recognize a person, and at first dismiss her as a look-alike like all those others, then later begin to second-guess herself . You realize that the similarity between this grrl and the grrl you knew two and a half years ago is too close for comfort .. And you stop cold when you take out that musty old book and see her picture . And at that moment it is as if time has relapsed, and your whole life changes in a second, and all you can do for the next few weeks is lie in bed thinking about her and wondering what is wrong with you . And now you have brought her up again, you know that all you will do for the next few weeks is lie in bed thinking about her and wondering what is wrong with you . And your memory fails you, and you wonder whether you should just accept the fact that you will never get to see her again and stop being so in love with her, or whether to keep trying to fulfill your obsession so as to feel complete again . But I seem to have gotten a little off-topic .. So let me break the ice again . Have you ever looked at a person, and in your mind seen someone else ?

Forget the commentary . What is wrong with me !!
I can't help it .

Think about it . Think about it .
How can you deal with the present,
when you are too busy dwelling on the past ?
The future is waiting .

What else is up ? Carter is nine months old today, and wears an 18-month size . Now is the time when he officially becomes one of us . I told you you should see him, before he becomes a person .. Well, you've lost your chance .

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

gosh replace every "she" and "herself" with "he" and "himself" (respectively, of course. but you probably figured that out) and you get how i feel at this exact (very bored) moment.

~Miss A.

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