Tuesday, January 16, 2007

reconstructing my platypus

Reconsidering my stance on life ..
Rethinking my intent ..
Redefining my purpose ..
Reconstructing my platypus ..

See, when I was looking for the Z chromosome ( see one of the links above ), I thought that the two systems, ZW and XY, are always separate . But Shrapnel has informed me now that it may sometimes be otherwise ( Chromosomal determination : ZW chromosomes ) . " A paper published in 2004 ... suggests that the two systems may be related . " " Chromosomes in the ZW region in birds are autosomal in mammals, and vice-versa; therefore, it is theorized that the ZW and XY couples come from different chromosomes of the common ancestor .... According to the paper, platypuses [ not platypi ] have a ten-chromosome-based system, where the chromosomes form a multivalent chain in male meiosis, segregating into XXeksXX-sperm and YYYYY-sperm, with XY-equivalent chromosomes at one end of this chain and ZW-equivalent chromosomes at the other end . "

You get all that ? Reread it, and more carefully this time .
Platypoda, one of only five species of mammals that lay eggs ( monotremes ), the other four all being echidna . That funny-looking creature with the duck-bill and the beaver-tail . It lives only on the east shore of Australia ( my fave country, as it happens ), in and out of water, and appears on one of their coins even . It apparently has a venomous hind foot ( a fact which I did not know prior ) . With all its awkward, bizarre features, it should not come as a surprise that this bird-like mammal would prove as a scientific link .

Who are they, really ?
I have said it before, and I will say it again : the embodiment of karma .

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