Proving the Proverbial Principles :A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words
[ Started the 18th of November ]
What is art ? Art is like love; it is many things, it is varied . Art is the name of the picture above, conveniently provided by Google, which I will proceed to prove is worth a thousand words . Art is a painting . Art is a sculpture . Art is a drawing . Art is a statue . Art is a boy's name, possibly short for Arthur . Art is the arrangement of food on a plate . Art is mixing the ketchup and mustard to make orange . Art is the picture you make with your corn dog and your condiments . Art is writing . Art is creative . Art is an image . Art is visual, what one sees . Art is a feeling, an emotion . Art explains the inexplicable . According to Mrs. Handson, " art is anything that makes you feel strongly, that insists on your attention, or desires to be noticed . Art is defined by intent / purpose . Art can be good, bad, taste1ess, and quality . Art pushes extremes; tests boundaries; and portrays ideas, thoughts, opinions, and concepts . Art is always a matter of opinion . " In my opinion, just about everything is a matter of opinion . Take a fact, for example, that everyone assumes to be plain and simple : that the sky is blue . Is the sky blue ? Not if you are color-blind .. then the sky is grey . Everything can be argued, therefore everything is a matter of opinion . And yes, of course you could get into definitions . What is opinion ? What is color ? What is blue ? But not everyone agrees with the denotations .. that is why there are connotations . Hence, that just makes everything even more a matter of opinion . So does that mean that everything is art ? Not necessarily . She says that art is always a matter of opinion, not that a matter of opinion is always art . And she could be mistaken, as well . Art may not always be a matter of opinion .. some people might disagree . Making the fact, that art is a matter of opinion, a matter of opinion . I believe that anything and everything can be considered art, but it depends what you view art as . There are many definitions, of course . For the sake of simplicity, most people view art as only one certain thing; so that there is a distinction between art and not art . If everything were art, then art would practically be a synonym for everything, so there would be no point for having the word art in our language . Speaking of languages, art is ars, arte, arti, arto, arz, kunst, list, seni, taide; to name a few . Ask Wiktionary for even more . Another way of saying that something is a matter of opinion, is saying it depends on how you look at it; which is a prominent phrase in The End, which I have recently finished reading and suggest anyone and everyone else to do the same . But not, of course, until after you have read the twelve books preceding it in the series by Lemony Snicket . And if you haven't at least started to read this series, I feel sorry for you . I really, truly do . I empathize . Lemony Snicket, less well-known as Daniel Handler, really gives you a newer, fresher, better, truer, look at the world; through his use of thorough descriptions and explanations, repetitions, and connections with the reader . I feel as if I know him, yet he is still so far away . And it may not seem too exciting, but this is actually quite a wonderful feeling . My goodness, I was starting to sound like a literary critic for a moment there . I realize I have begun to get off-topic just a bit, so I will get back on track now; and perhaps consider providing you with over a thousand words, if I have the time and resources, so that even if some of these words do not seem to relate to the subject at hand, the picture above, in any manner whatsoever, you will not be able to say that I failed the prompt because there must be at least a thousand sufficient words hidden in here somewhere . Excuse my complicated grammar . Notice : what colors does Google choose to use for its logo ? Red, yellow, blue . And green ! I've always said green was special . You don't see orange or purple up there anywhere . But green is alone . Why ? Why must he sit by himself, in solitary confinement, away from his fellow spheres, rather than stay up in the foreground with them ? Well, for one thing, it makes for better-looking art . And if that is the purpose here, it is done quite well indeed . It also seems that green is significantly smaller than the others . Of course, it could just be the illusion of depth; but it sure does not appear so . You want to know why green is out alone ? Because green is a soldier . His shoulders hold up so much, they won't budge . He'll never fall or fold up . He's a soldier . Even if his collar bones cross or crumble, he will never slip or stumble . His fellow spheres have abandoned him, rejected him, left him dejected, to wallow in his misery . And rot in time . But if he is strong, he will do no such thing . He may not have any eyes, or any mouth, or hands with which to express his feelings, but you can be sure of what he is thinking within that shiny, round, green, wonderous visage of his . He may feel scared, frightened, or unwanted, all of which I assure you he is in fact feeling, but he believes in himself . He believes that he can suck it up, and pull it through . He believes that if he really tries, he can do anything . And he can . Thousands of emotions are running through his head all at once, fighting for approval; survival of the fittest . He is more confused than ever before, and does not know what in the world, or out of this world, to think . But he needs to stand his ground . For now he is keeping his distance, because no one likes him, no one understands him, no one appreciates him . And if he came any closer, yellow or blue would beat him to bits . Red, hence his hiding place between and behind the two of them, is a little too bashful to do anything like that . But one day, green will be ready . He will have a plan, and he will put his foot down . And he will show them who ought to be beaten to bits by whom . All in due time, my dear . All in due time . And have I proven myself ? Have I shown that a picture, in truth, really is worth a thousand words ? I believe I have . None of the thoughts expressed by these words are entirely random . And I definitely could write quite a bit more on the topic if I wanted to . Everything is connected to something else somehow . But then again, the same is true with all thoughts . So truly, it is impossible to know whether I have or I have not . Because everything is a matter of opinion; and no matter how hard you try to convince your friends and colleagues, or even yourself, otherwise, every single rational thought, in context with the others around it, depends on how you look at it . And that is part of the reason why everything these days is so messed up -- which I will get to next time .
= 1250 words .
Original picture at .
Copyright 2006 Google .