lots to say ..
not much time
actually, my internet was supposed
to have run out ten minutes ago,
but mm .. it didn't .
obviously .
SO .
school's out .
and yes, i know school was out three days ago ..
but this is my first post since then
(i apologize for that)
so i think it is fully appropriate to mention it now .
soo .. i pretty much failed school, in general .
that's the same as it was twenty days ago,
unfortunately .
except, the difference is that
twenty days ago, for some reason i couldn't divide .
or add ..
and i thought that was a 3.0 .
that is NOT a 3.0 !!
maybe that's why i failed so miserably ..
i was in the wrong mindset this whole time ..
it wasn't until four days after that post
(wow, only four days?
.. thanks to melissa for the evidence of that)
that i realized my gpa wasn't really that high .
and by then, it was practically too late
to do anything about it.
so anyway, it is actually a 2.71 .
which scares me
b/c .. i might be on academic probation
but, i'm not really sure ..
is it 2.7 or 2.75 that we need to get ?
EEE help !
well, either way i think i am going
to summer school aGAIN ..
b/c of that darn english .
English *
NO !!!!
it doesn't even deserve to be capitalized ..
i hat3 summer school .
it's such a waste of time .
and so pOINTless !!
wait .. well, i think those are
pretty much the same thing ..
but, .. it adds to the emphasis !
YESS !!!
goodness .. i don't learn ANYThing there ..
it's like sECONd grade level,
seriously ..
what of my other classes, you ask ?
well let's see ..
cp2, i failed ..
but i dun need to take summer school for that
b/c it isn't a core class,
and, well .. i wouldn't have to anyway
even if it was, b/c you only have
to take one summer school per year .
(they assign you the more important one)
i learned that the HARD way, last year ..
aand .. yayy !! mrs. jensen is leaving !!
tuesday in class, she reminded us
that it was her last day,
and the whole class started clapping and cheering .
yup, it was pretty funny . lol
choir, i tHINK i got an A ..
i HOPE so ..
i have noticed that the easy classes
don't really tell you your grade very often ..
i guess they figure that it isn't really necessary ..
and, it isn't .. most of the time
but, the reason i think i may not have gotten an A
is that i haven't exactly been
the most well-behaved person in the class ..
oh yea, i may SEEM like it ..
but really, truly, i hardly EVER behave .
it's true .
even ask anyone, who rEALLy knows me .
allow me to explain ..
i didn't get my picture taken
for that darned headshot plaque thing for my dad ..
and mark didn't either ..
well, in my defense,
there was a whole lot of confusion
and so we pretty much just shrugged it off .
aalso, mark and i never did end up
performing our final song ..
i'm sorry mr. hoshi !!
the nerves took over,
but plx forgive me ..
(not like mr. hoshi is actually going
to be reading this ..
but i figured i might as well put it in)
bio, i got a C,
b/c i didn't do that darned project ..
but i enjoyed that class tho .
mr. nguyen is a pretty nice guy
p.e. yayy p.e.
that darned cluster portfolio
brought my grade down ..
i'm hoping i got an A ..
but i enjoyed that class tho .
mr. hauge is a pretty nice guy
spanish, that darned project
brought my grade down ..
i'm hoping i got an A ..
but i enjoyed that class tho .
mr. ramirez is a pretty nice guy
math yayy math
it may not be true
for a whole lot of the rest of you,
but i like math .
i think this was my highest grade ..
mr. anderson is a pretty nice guy
too .
despite all the grades,
the stress,
the anger,
the frustration,
the drama,
the bad days,
(daniel powter yayy)
the fights,
the tears,
the consequences ..
a lot of great memories have come out of this year .
thanks to everyone who helped create them .
it's been fun .
i love you guys
but i'm not done ..
i now have the summer ahead of me .
summer school will not be fun ..
and i haven't started my summer assignment yet ..
oh yea,
i have to write a 20-page-long story for albert too ..
i accomplished eight of my 190 lifelong goals this year .
i think that may be the only thing i really learned from cp2 ..
oh, and i learned to clear my history .
.. i think i failed a goal
can you fail a goal ?
an i had to change two of my goals
b/c of shane ..
in other news,
i think i lost my ninja skills somehow ..
maybe i've been playing too much commander keen
that guy's awesome tho ..
aahh, dos . the good ol' days .
ddr tournament coming up too .
that ought to be fun ..
anyone who is interested,
you can come get owned by my pro status
on july eighth, from two to eight,
in the buena park library's basement .
oh yea, i got a lot better at egyptian war too .
an imma practice over the summer
(if i have time, which is doubtful)
so i can gg pwn min choi and crew .
the only problem is,
usually none of my siblings feel like playing ..
and when they do, they are all really slow anyway ..
oh well, practice makes perfect i guess ..
nobody's perfect, so why practice ?
sorry it took so long to get this out and posted .
but if you just take a look at how long it is,
i'm sure you'll understand .
the date and time shown are when i started ..
but this was actually written over several days,
due to lack of time allowed on the computer,
especially on the internet .
but this took a lot out of me,
so i hope you enjoy it .
you'd better .
i know i did .
writing is my passion .
oh, and teddy grahams
too .