[ Part Three of a Series on Rabies
( written with the assumption that
you have already read the first two ) ]
I am not a theologist, per se .
Check that . In English,
I am hardly a theologist .
I am a psychologist ( or at least I don't mind calling myself that ..
I like psychology, and I study it ..
in my mind, that is enough to qualify as one ) .
Religion, though, is a large part of the human psyche .
As they say, religion is the opiate of the masses .
Oh, how much that saying rings true .
Religion is basically a d|2ug for the ego ..
that, to my knowledge, is its main purpose;
or at least it was its primary intent, in both senses .
And since psychology ( as the name implies, naturally )
studies the psyche, religion goes along with that
close in hand .
Hence, I discuss religion through unbiased ( heh ) agnostic eyes .
I might make up some of my own terms, to make for more clear explanation .
There may already be words for these things, but I prefer to use my own
since they are pure, free of input from other opposers,
and their meanings are much more straightforward .
The entire world of religion can essentially be broken down into two categories : gnosticism and agnosticism . I am aware that gnosticism, when capitalized, has a totally different meaning .. but for my purposes, it is not the same . Redundant, I know .
Gnostic, according to its roots, literally means ' knowing ' . Hence a gnostic is someone who believes they know the meaning of life, or are at least fairly sure of themselves .
Agnostic, on the other hand, literally means ' not knowing ' ( a- gnostic, ' a- ' meaning ' not ' ) . Simple enough terms, I think . An agnostic is someone who accepts that they do not know the meaning of life, or are at least fairly sure they don't . Not necessarily that they cannot find out .. just that they don't know as of now .
Then of course there are the more apathetic people who just sit on the fence their whole lives talking about the weather . But only the two extremes really count .
A gnostic is just an agnostic in denial . It is even spelled the same .. a gnostic .
Sorry if the similar spellings make for a dose of confusion .
The gnostic, the ' knowing ', the believers, can be further separated into two groups : theism and atheism .
According to Shrapnel ( whom I agree with in this case ), " theism is the belief in the existence of one or more gods or deities . "
Atheism, as I am sure you can work out for yourself, and probably have by now, or much longer ago, is just the opposite .
Notice that an atheist is still a gnostic . If you believe there is no God, you are still making a wild assumption that you really couldn't prove no matter how much ' evidence ' you claim to have .
I repeat : a gnostic is just an agnostic in denial . Where is your reason in this faith, theists ? Just because everyone else believes it, you think you should jump on the bandwagon too ?
Tell me .. if I wrote a book about how the world began, and made up characters and places off the top of my head, would you believe me ? NO ??
Then why should you believe in some random philosophy a few guys thought up some thousands of years ago ? Yeah . Huhh ! What do you say to that ?
Lawl . How immature . Well, if my thoughts are significant enough to be published professionally, I will certainly edit them . But in the meantime, I do not really care about my tone so much .
And atheists, what is your deal ? Do you just feel the need to rebel against the world ? Do it somehow else . Do it in a sensible way, why don't you ?
I am sure that if we all had an agnostic mentality, we could get on a whole lot better and save a lot of precious time and bickering .
Religion, within its core, is merely a rationalization for dea7h, and the afterlife .. one of the few things that we truly know nothing about . And that bothers people . They can't handle the fact that there is actually something they can't control .
But please folks, let this be the one thing in your life ( or out of it ) that you are passive about . Don't feel that you have to do something to supplement yourself, your own knowledge and capacity .. although it may feel you are being passive when you succumb to God .
Sure, you can study religion . You can wonder about it . But don't fall victim to its faith . It can consume you ! I am sorry, but it is my nature to want to warn people about the dangers in life . I have been through enough of them myself .. I don't want anyone else to have to experience unnecessary defeat .
Be strong when you stand alone, and you can be strong with anyone .
I don't know what will happen after I die . And as long as I am human, I will not know . But I like to think there is something there .
Could there be a Heaven and a He11 and a God who created everything ? Of course, it is possible .. though extremely improbable . I am not trying to prove anyone wrong .. just immature .
Really, what is the point of wondering about it ?
Shikata ga nai . Que sera, sera .
What ever is waiting on the other side, I will find out when the time comes .
I get by on the trust that there is some point to all of this madness known as life . It cannot just stop, and give way to nothingness .
And even if there is nothing .. I am sure it will be fine .
Because the closest I have been to feeling nothing, felt good .
And so long as it feels good, it doesn't matter if nothing happens .
The hardest part about letting go of your fears, is having to accept they really exist . And human nature makes it hard for us to accept dea7h .. hence everyone is dea7hly afraid of it .
... so long as it feels good, it doesn't matter if nothing happens ...
I like to call this realization love .