Thursday, April 19, 2007

usually something of a joke

[ Part Two of a Series on Rabies
( written with the assumption that
you have already read the first one ) ]

I digress . Back to Fortune's Cookie, with the claim that :
" An upward movement initiated in time can counteract fate . "
That is some surprisingly advanced vocabulary for a cookie .
These fortunes, as I have said before, are usually something of a joke .

Moving up is a good way to move . It is excellent in comparison to moving down . But if your immediate fate is to move down, I am sure Fate will have no trouble sending a metaphorical hurricane or some other sudden gust of wind to blow you out of control .

I realize I constantly change my mind about what I claim to believe, and so they are not really beliefs so much as speculations . But that is a good thing .. It is better for me to try my best to follow the theories that make the most sense, than to stick with one that really doesn't make much sense at all compared to others, and to be indignant at any sort of change whatsoever .

Currently, I theorize that there are two basic types of fate for every person : immediate fate and ultimate fate . Your immediate fate is what God, or Destiny, or whatever you like to call the Forces you believe in, has destined to happen to you on a relatively short-term basis . Your ultimate fate is what ultimately, as the name implies, is to happen to you in the end . ( Redundant, I know . ) Dea7h, of course, is implicit . But what happens right before or after your dea7h is also included .

I believe, only sensibly, in ultimate fate . So often do our lives all intertwine, I do not think everyone's immediate fate could be accomplished at the same time, considering that we can make our own choices most of the time .

Most of the time ? Yes . Sometimes we cannot . Whenever we cannot control our own actions and decisions, I blame that on Fate . Fate controls your impulses, your nerves, and those little moments when you space out from attention and your mind just sort of goes blank . This is Fate correcting the time difference among all the separate lives .. so that they can even out in the end when their ultimate fates are set in motion . Or .. more like, set out of motion .. as they have already been moving along your whole life without your knowledge .

To conclude the point, and cover the loosely self-applied prompt :
An upward movement initiated in time
can make you feel better about yourself .
And if you feel good about yourself,
nothing else matters .. not even Fate .
For Fate only defines the events that occur to us .
It is up to ourselves how we interpret them .

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