Sunday, April 01, 2007

finding salvation in repose unaltered

" live each day to the fullest; cliche but TRUE. you never know if your best friend or brother or sister or other half will be there tomorrow. or even YOU. dont wait 'til its too late to make things right. dont wait 'til its too late to say what you need to say. dont wait 'til its too late to show how much you love that person. dont wait 'til its too late to hang on tighter to whats slipping away.
life is too cant hold back on anything cuz you never know when things will just disappear before your eyes. so GO. go and say that thing you've been holding back to say. go and do what you've been thinking about doing for the longest time. just GO. have no regrets. "

~ ram ~

I find irony in the fact that you say I should do what all this time you have been urging me to stay away from ... I know it wasn't meant for me, but my imagination leads me to wonder whether I should listen too ...

Is this not what I have been trying to tell you ?
Is this not what you have refused to hear from me ?
Is this not the purpose I have used for my actions ?
Is this not the subtext I have hidden behind my words ?
Has this not been my philosophy for seventeen months ?
The philosophy you never wanted to allow me to follow ?
The philosophy you attempted to dissuade me from believing ?
Is this not the mindset that has made me so passionate ?
Has it not given me a new sense of identity that I would otherwise not have achieved ?
Is this not the last chance I saw for fulfilling my dreams ?
Is this not my gateway for opportunity, which I never seem to be able to cross ?
Is this not the reason, when I find myself writing about you once again,
I am reminded only of all the pain you have put me through,
and I am driven, for the umpteenth time, to have nothing to do but sit and sulk ?
I am driven to feel so insignificant, that all I can do is cry ?
I am driven to the desire to cry, which is only augmented by the fact
that I cannot entice these tears to make my cheeks their waterways,
no matter how hard I will it to occur ?
Is this not what I have been wanting to explain,
but which I only find increasingly inexplicable ?
Are these not the thoughts that have festered always in the back of my mind,
but which I could not incite to carry any comprehensible meaning ?
Have you not expressed what I truly feel, deep down inside my heart ?
Yet do you not deny that it could ever contain even the littlest bit of truth, in my case ?
At least have the decency to admit it .

" I cannot accept that she never loved me,
until she accepts that I ever loved her . "
~ Correspondence ~

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