" The pain and sadness seemed to spread to my soul,
and I felt for the first time what the grown-ups call,
life's sadness.
" I wanted to run away,
to hide,
to run and never come back,
never see anyone again....
Oh it was so very hard.
" But oh, I was not alone....
We found a few others who were like us...
and part of our loneliness was gone....
We felt we belonged.
" We struggled against the feeling of loneliness
that gnawed at our souls and we overcame it;
that feeling that I never shared again with anyone "
~ 55 ~
" You are when you do not know...
but already you know too much....
You are until you understand...
and you will understand good and evil....
" Oh, where is the innocence I must never lose,
I cried into the bleak landscape in which I found myself.
And in the swirling smoke a flash of lightning struck....
" There in the land of the dancing plains and rolling hills,
there in the land which is the eagle's by day and the owl's by night
is innocence.
There where the lonely wind of the llano sang to the lovers' feat of your birth,
there in those hills
is your innocence.
" But that was long ago, I called.
I sought more answers,
but she was gone "
~ 66 ~
" Good is always stronger than evil.
Always remember that....
The smallest bit of good can stand
against all the powers of evil in the world
and it will emerge triumphant "
~ 91 ~
" I knew I had witnessed a miraculous thing....
And I thought...
and then a sudden illumination of beauty and understanding
flashed through my mind "
~ 105 ~
" It was unbelievable,
and yet it made a wild kind of sense!
All the pieces fitted....
" I felt weak and powerless
in the knowledge of the impending doom....
" I was saddened by what I had learned.
I had seen beauty,
but the beauty had burdened me with responsibility "
~ 111 ~
" I felt a searing pain spread through my body.
Oh please tell me which is the water that runs through my veins, I moaned;
oh please tell me which is the water that washes my burning eyes....
" Oh, I cried, please tell me.
The agony of pain was more than I could bear.
The excruciating pain broke and I sweated .
" There was a howling wind as the moon rose
and its powers pulled at the still waters of the lake.
Thunder split the air
and the lightning bursts illuminated the churning, frothy tempest.
The ghosts stood and walked upon the shore.
" The lake seemed to respond with rage and fury.
It ed with the laughter of madness
as it inflicted upon the people.
I thought the end had come to everything.
The cosmic struggle of the two forces would destroy everything....
The terrifying end was near.
" Then I heard a voice speak above the sound of the storm.
I looked up....
" The sweet water of the moon which falls as rain
is the same water that gathers into rivers and flows to fill the seas.
Without the waters of the moon to replenish the oceans
there would be no oceans.
" And the same salt waters of the oceans are drawn by the sun to the heavens,
and in turn become again the waters of the moon.
Without the sun
there would be no waters formed to slake the dark earth's thirst.
" The waters are one....
I looked into her bright, clear eyes and understood her truth.
" You have been seeing only parts, she finished,
and not looking beyond into the great cycle that binds us all.
" Then there was peace in my dreams and I could rest "
~ 112-3 ~
" It was good too,
because it allowed us to forget
what we did not want to remember "
~ 131 ~
" I felt free, as if the wind had picked me up and carried me away.
I felt very small and lonely.
And in reality the realization of the truth discovered
swept over me in a few seconds "
~ 155 ~
" I felt very feverish now.
I felt weak and useless....
All seemed to fit.
And I remembered my dream....
" Had I already lost my innocence?
" Oh God! my soul groaned and I thought that it would burst
and I would die huddled against the evil house.
how had I sinned? "
~ 156 ~
a book that means something .
And I'm barely halfway done ..
Yes, I'm a slow reader ..
I'm a writer .
I don't just read the story,
I read the words ..
O and sorry for going a bit over the top on this ..
O and sorry for the delay in getting this out ..
the internet was acting up
.. It was done before one