Wednesday, May 16, 2007

i noe somting u don't noe

Quotes much, in this one, all at once .

It has come to my attention
that the OA library has
Who Moved My Cheese ? for Teens
if you are interested .

Happy belated to Pri,
and an early happy to Lauren .

" I can't live a life where
every time I see you with a faraway look,
I'll wonder if you're thinking of him . "
~ Ian, Desperate Housewives ~

It resonates from the deepest, darkest depths of dissonance .

" I'm seventeen and I'm crazy .
My uncle says the two always go together .
When people ask your age, he said,
always say seventeen and insane . "
~ Bradbury 7 ~

Impressed yet ?


A Quick, or at least Fairly Brief, Review of Siddhartha :

" Whither will my path yet lead me ?
This path is stupid, it goes in spirals,
perhaps in circles, but whichever way it goes,
I will follow it . He was aware
of a great happiness mounting within him . "
~ Hesse 97 ~

This story is very similar to that of Gilgamesh;
which is probably the reason we read them
around the same time, and practically both together .

The main difference is that this one is much longer .
And it spans over many, many more years .
And it is obviously about a different culture .

Which one did I like better ?
It is hard to say .

Siddhartha made use of the ever-useful
quotation marks .

Therefore, I think I will choose Gilgamesh .
Wait ...

Gilgamesh has nine letters .
Siddhartha has ten .
Ten is closer than nine to seventeen ...

Hmm . Which one was written first ?
Gilgamesh .

I could go on for quite the while,
listing the pros and cons of each ...
But frankly, I do not think it is worth the time .

Allow me to end by saying
that parallel structure is my best friend .
And Hesse definitely made use of that .

I also loved his tendency to ramble on and on;
probably some of the time on purpose .
Perhaps he reminds me of myself !

The religious aspects involved ?
Also ingenious .

But I also show casually, a powerful ardor
for poetry .
For verse,
for anything offbeat .

I never seem to be able
to make a choice in life .

" But stronger than his knowledge was his love
.. his devotion, his fear of losing ...
Had he ever lost his heart to anybody so completely,
had he ever loved anybody so much, so blindly,
so painfully, so hopelessly and yet so happily ? "
~ Hesse 121 ~

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