Thursday, May 10, 2007

crossing a river without a boat .. randomosity

" Home is where you hang your heart . "
~ Anonymous ~

" Try not to be a man of success,
but a man of value . "
" No one can make you feel inferior
without your consent . "
~ El Dorado Inn ~

I don't take d|2ugs .
I don't drink a1coho1 .
I am just a bad person .

Don't think you can do anything ..
because then you will lose all reason to try .

Life without love
is like crossing a river without a boat .
It is possible,
but you have to get your hands wet
and work much harder,
and no one will want to help you .

Once you achieve the capacity to love,
you unlock the doorway to delight .
Once you close the door behind you,
you learn the imminence of spite and animosity .

Knowledge is hearing what they have to say .
Wisdom is having the knowledge to listen .

My heart lies with one .
My mind lies with another .
My sympathy lies with whomsoever
needs it the least .
But the one I can not and will not
ever forget, is the one with whom
lies my regret .

A poem I enjoy,
written the eighth of May
( Sshh .. 17 lines ) .

Yesterday was Corinne's birthday .
And Monday was my father's .
Happy days, family !!

I don't know .
Something inside me jumped .
I just felt like running .

Gam zeh ya'avor .
Shikata ga nai .

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