Sunday, May 06, 2007

some unfinished business

Era ayer el Cinco de Mayo .
And its date adds up to 17 .

Is nothing sacred ?
Just an interesting idea, that's all I thought .

Why must I make a big deal out of everything ?
Because it sounds the best that way .

Why must I deprecate myself ?
So I don't have to listen
when you try to do it for me .

Why must I hide from the truth ?
Because it shows the world as it is,
not as it ought to be .

I am, though, running out of hiding places .
Soon I will have to expose myself
to everything I never wanted to believe .

Why must I remind myself to be strong ?
Because nothing should have to hurt,
unless it teaches me a lesson .

Why must I allow myself to make mistakes ?
Because to accept failure,
is to be aware that success is possible .

I live to write,
I write to give,
I give to fight,
I fight to live .

I have some unfinished business to take care of;
all I need is the opportunity .

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

all you see in life is that number...17.

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