the method of floccinaucinihilipilification by which I have come to recognize your peculiarity
I do not look forward to the load of homework
I have left for myself to bite into today ...
But just the fact that I woke up
five hours earlier than I did yesterday
has already made my day that much brighter .
I got sidetracked and failed to mention this at the time :
that Who Moved My Cheese ? was written with the intention
of persuading people to look at thing in a more simpler sense .
I agree with Mr . Spencer that this is often an excellent way
to make life easier to understand .
But dumbing things down does not always work out for the better .
If we want to make any real significant progress in life,
we should be expected to use our brains, to think ! And we must .
Sometimes the best way to see the simplicity in life,
is to analyze it in ridiculous detail until you have
squozen every intricate detail out of its entity
and are only left with the essence of what it really means .
Oww, and I haven't updated the collection in a while now !!
It's too much, I tell you ... I can hardly handle it .
I did not realize what a horrid life I led, until I resolved to stop leading it .
I sincerely hope you are not merely dismissing my words, in the method of floccinaucinihilipilification by which I have come to recognize your peculiarity .
A random thought, I know ... Mostly I just wanted a chance to use such a magnificently long word .
floccinaucinihilipilification: an act or instance of judging something to be worthless or trivial.
that is SUCH a cool word!
and i think its meaning is.....meaningful, to say the least.
~demon anarchy
i like how you looked it up .
i loved it first !
' its meaning is meaningful '
what a saying .
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