Friday, March 23, 2007

dios . me pongo enfermo a veces .. jaja

I will do my best to make these last 57 posts
something to be remembered ...

" Exploration makes one wiser;
even if the only wisdom gained
is to know where not to return . "
~ Tommy Dewar ~

Here comes my obsession with numbers again ..
That is, certain particular numbers, mostly .

I ended my first year 33 posts after 143,

and now I am 33 posts after 200 .
Can you guess when I will finish it all ?
Well, you are wrong .

200 minus 143 is 57 .
143 is not prime .
It is 11 times 13 .
It is also less than three .

Just another discovery ..
17 is hidden within 233 !!
2+ 1(7) (33) = 233
Try it for yourself .
I always knew it was in there somewhere ..
Coincidence ? I think not .
Creepy though ...

So I just like to ramble sometimes ..
Is there anything wrong with that ?
If there is, I don't see it .
If nothing else, all it is is good practice .

Ah yes, it is Carter's first birthday today .
He turned one years old at 4:12 this morning .
I can't wait to see him on Sunday,
at his very own party, all growed up !!
Gahd . I make myself sick sometimes .. haha

This being post number 233,
my 233rd post ( that way is uglier ),
you might have expected it
to be, at least partially, about Chewy .

Well, you guessed wrong .
Except I actually did end up mentioning her in this way ..
So I am not sure if that really counts or not .

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you're right. the second way IS uglier.

you are too obsessed, hun. (haha i TOTALLY spelled it right that time!!! yay!)

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