Monday, July 31, 2006

finally, another Daily Double ....

The Afternoon (Or, is it Evening Yet ? ) :

Thanks Rona,
you're smart ..
You made my day .

for a little while,
at least ..

I accid3ntally just took a nap
and I feel grumpyy .. X{
I don't feel like eating dinner ..

I fell asleep with gum in my mouth ..
I just woke up,
and no the gum isn't all up in my hair ..

I'm still really
really really
hungry ..

But I dunwana spit out this gum
b/c it's just so darn good !
YUM for GUM !!

then I would have to eat
like, pickles .

I'm back to writing
in triplets ..
Werid .

Daily Double ..
is that like,
copyrighted ??


The clock is ticking ....

. 1057 .

Good morning, Sports Racers !
it's Monday, July 31st,
and I've been watching too much Ze Frank ..

You're beautiful .
You're beautiful .
You're beautiful, it's true .
I saw your face in a crowded place,
And I don't know what to do ..
'Cause I'll never be with you .... "
~ James Blunt ~

We finally finished those
last two episodes of LOST
that we had taped ..
I love that show .
It's so .. deep .
It makes me cry ....
and think
a lot
more than usual ....

Damn zits ..

I sing too much ..

Why do I keep making excuses ??
There are only three more days ....

She is the only Asian in the class ..
Ahaha .
It's .. interesting .

P.S : Sorry for the mix-up .
The past week or so,
the times shown haven't really been accurate ..
But I think I've got it now .

P.P.S : I forgot what P.S stands for ..
Do you remember ??

Sunday, July 30, 2006


Guess what, Sports Racers !
It's Sunday, July 30th,
and it's almost August,
which means
- besides the fact that school will almost be here again,
and I will have to hurry up and finish the homework -
that I have something new for you !
Aren't you excited ?

I hereby declare August
"Write-about-previous-posts-and-reflect-on-all-those-old-memories" Month ..
Otherwise known as Wapparoatomm, or Wappa for short .
This ought to be fun ..

I just don't know what I'll do tomorrow ..

I have an essay to write .

Saturday, July 29, 2006

50m3 qu0735 70 p0nd3|2

" Statistically,
the probability of any one of us being here
is so small ...
you'd think the mere fact of existing
would keep us all
in a contented dazzlement of surprise "
~ Lewis Thomas ~

I remember this from when I was young
Faith, hope, and love
are some good things he gave us
And the greatest is love "
~ Alan Jackson ~

We lost it all
Nothing lasts forever
I'm sorry
I can't be perfect
Now it's just too late
And we can't go back
I'm sorry
I can't be perfect "
~ Simple Plan ~

" It's you and me
and all other people,
And I don't know why,
I can't keep my eyes off of you "
~ Lifehouse ~

" Sometimes
the questions are complicated
and the answers are simple "
~ Dr. Suess ~

Friday, July 28, 2006


My stomach hurts ..
Maybe Heavy dancing
isn't so good for you after all ?

Everyone knows I'm in
Over my head
Over my head

Where the fxck do ideas come from ?

Don't judge me by my cover .
You have to read me
to find out if I'm good ....

So we were talking about emotional change
in summer school ..
and then we started talking about emo
b/c emo is short for emotional change ..
And Bobby was pretending to cut himself,
and his fingernails are so long and sharp
that he accidentally really did cut himself .
That was funny .
ha ..
Nvm . You had to be there ..

Anyway, back to DDR ..
I'm getting blisters again .
And ..
I haven't really been eating very much lately,
but I've been dancing more than usual,
so I'm burning calories I don't have .
I'm back down to 106 .
And pretty hungry ..

Thursday, July 27, 2006

And I don't need no carryin' on ....

You tell me your life's been way off line
You're falling to pieces every time

I've been posting everyday for two whole weeks now ..
But I'm afraid I might run out out of ideas soon =/

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

the taste of love

According to the side panel on my box of Honey Smacks,
"There is more to love than the taste" ..

Yesss ..
although the taste is a very important part of love,
there is of course more to it than just that ..
it is SOoO much more complicated
in case you didn't know ..
but I think you did .

Anyway, the box goes on to explain how it is
"low in fat and sodium" and
an "excellent source of six B-vitamins" ..
And they can't be talking about the cereal
because there are only four B-vitamins in the ingredients .
But nevertheless,
you get B-vitamins from love ??
No wonder I'm so unhealthy ..

So earlier .
I found an interesting quote ..
"Love is not paid back, only passed on."
I really don't get it .
Maybe someone would care to explain it to me ?
But I don't understand what that means ....

Speaking of love,
I watched The Notebook again yesterday ..
Good movie .
But too bad I have no one to watch it with =/

Speaking of movies,
everyone else went to see Pirates Two
without telling me ..
DAMN summer school !! >[

At this point I think I am taking it TOO slow ..

Dang ..
it really is a small world after all .

This is really starting to creep me out .

Thank goodness for Handi-Snacks .

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

the seventeen hardest songs

The storms are a-brewin' ....

I've been dancing harder .
And more often .
I now only have 17 songs left to AA ..
the seventeen hardest songs ....

I hat3 it when I turn on the radio
just as my favorite song is ending ....

"The Riddle (You and I)" by Five For Fighting
.. I fell in love with this song the first time I heard it ..

Sorry for the ellipses ....
If you can call them that ..

The reason guys think grrls are tricky
is that life is tricky,
and grrls are our life ..

I just remembered,
I don't remember my New Year's resolutions ..
I don't think anyone really does ..
You make them in January,
then by February or March you forget all about them .
Some people don't even do that much ..
Does anyone ever actually follow through
with their New Year's resolutions ??
I know I didn't ..
Now that I look back,
I can see that I already screwed up all four of them .

I'm SO pathetic ....

Monday, July 24, 2006

. w . h . y .

I like to think there is a point to all this ..
I like to think that one day I will look back and make sense of it ..

I lie in bed at night,
trying to stay awake
so that I can finish those last few paragraphs of Chapter Ten,
my eyelids quivering;
the radio playing softly by my side ..

I suddenly become alert as my favorite song comes on ..
I smile, sing the words ..

At 1:30 I finally decide it's time to sleep ..
As I turn off the radio all is quiet
except for the thunder in the background,
the lightning flashing patterns on the floor ..

It is then that I begin to ponder ..
What's the sense in life ?

Why can't I read any faster ?
Why is music so powerful ?
Why are these walls so thin ?
Why do I write my S's backward ?
Why do I regret my past ?
Why do I regret the present ?
Why do I regret my future ?
Why am I so weak
mentally, and physically ?
Why do I have such an urge to stick it to the man ?
Why did I have to get stuck with such bad genes ?
Why am I so nice ?
Why do I still dream about you ?
Why am I afraid to go back to school tomorrow ?
Why can't I keep my eyes off her ?
yet Why am I afraid to talk to her ?

Why do I think so much ?

I used to think there was a point to all this ..
Now I look back and I see that I was mistaken

Sunday, July 23, 2006

7W3N7Y - 7HR33

Carter is four months old today .
So, to celebrate for my favorite nephew
and his one dimple,

yes that's right .
I have some more pictures .

I know they're not exactly recent,
but I haven't been able to get any new ones yet ..
And besides, he's still as cute as ever XP

He Tweepy
One and Only One

Imma put permalinks to these in my profile .

Love ya,

Saturday, July 22, 2006

wake me up when September ends

Star 98.7 calls itself
"today's music alternative" ..
but what does that mean ??
Alternative to what ??
I don't get it ..

I need to learn to swallow a pill .

The best feelings are the ones you can't explain ..

Dreams allow you to
do the impossible,
say the unspeakable,
experience the unknown ..

Lucid dreams are fun !!
I want to have another one ....

Here's a riddle for you
Find the answer
There's a reason for the world
You and I ....

I love this song ..
it's so beautiful

Friday, July 21, 2006

4n v0 m0m3n7

I do too have things to comment on !!

Damn old guys ..

Chris Brown can dance .

Ze Frank is funny again .

Why would I want to go out with Jessica Biel ..

I like watermelon .

I have no particular taste whatsoever in music .
(Lol keyword particular,
don't get me wrong I love music)

OK so this post may seem pretty pointless
but one of these days Imma write a really long one ..
and it'll prolly take me three days again ..
and then you can make fun of me for -
WAit NO . You can't .

You think you can do these things but you just can't, Nemo ..
THere I go talking to myself again ..
That movie was sad ....

choppy thoughts ..
I don't usually do this but it's actually pretty fun

I have so many things to talk about,
but don't really want to talk about them ..
This works .
(Yes one of them is Melissa)

Sorry, if you weren't THere in seventh grade you missed out

I feel like my life is a logic puzzle ....
You get all these obscure clues,
that you never guessed would get you anywhere ..
But then you start filling in the X's
and somehow it all comes together in the end
(unless of course you're doing one of those insanely hard ones)
and you finally get all the dots .
(And no, I don't mean those candies
that always get sooo stuck in your teeth)

why am I so complicated

OK there .
Now I wrote about so-frikin-many things,
don't even pretend there's nothing you can comment on ..
Damn stubborn peoples ..
[I say that too much]
Oh wait, I forgot
I am ....

Thursday, July 20, 2006

my stress relief

DDR is my stress relief .
I only have 23 AA's left to earn
out of like 210 ..
Oh and there are a few songs I haven't unlocked yet .

Have you guys heard that radio commercial
in which Power> says that
they have sold 1mil cars in California alone .. ??
Well that's all fine and dandy but seriously,
why does California need 1mil cars ??
Is it just me or does that seem like a lot of cars for one state ?

An A is godly at Western ..

I haven't written in my journal for a long while ..
but the thing is now,
I'm not really sure what I would write exactly ....

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

some interesting conversation

I like my new (and old) Western friends .
even tho .. and you can call it a stereotype,
but I have evidence ..
the majority of people who go there
are d|2uggies or alcoholics ....
But we still have fun,
some good laughs,
and some interesting conversation ..

And yes, the yb solved my identity crisis
but I swear,
she still reminds me of someone ....

And sorry Albert (and significant others),
if you have no idea what I'm talking about,
I understand how that makes sense but
the truth is I don't really want YOU to know everything ....
So for now you can guess ..
OH and now we're even,
because half the time
I have no idea what you're talking about either ! LOL XD

I have an essay to write .

[B*S doesn't have an underline button ..
what's up with that ??]

An Vo was right .
I should take it slow

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

0|2 50m37h1ngg 11k3 7h47

summer school reminds me
how smart i am
and how dumb some ppls are ..

but at the same time,
it's nice to make some new friends ..
no offense but
the old ones are sometimes mediocre XP

and it's nice to meet some old friends ..
and in my case kinda scary
but that's a different story ..

for my blog's anniversary i have decided
to start using my Shift key .
Yes that's right .
The Shift key .
I know it's not like me ..
and even as I am typing this it looks really werid to me ..
but it's worth a shot .
I'm always open to something different .
Although I am still reluctant to connect my punctuation ..
Come on guys ..
these spaces define me .
Oh and the paragraphs just don't work for me sorry .
But anyway,
here I go getting all grammatically correct on my blog for you guys ..
You should be grateful .
Send me a flower ..
or somethingg like that

Monday, July 17, 2006

1 h4v3 4 h34d4ch3

omfg .
chheuy .

my head hurts .

put my finger on it

soo .
today is my blog's seven-month anniversary ..
even though i didn't do anything for the other six months,
for some reason i feel like i need to do something special
this time ....
idk . i'll think about it

anyway summer school was fun .
you can decide for yourself whether or not i am being sarcastic

i met a few old friends ..
and faced some old memories

an there's this cute grrl in my class ..
her name is melissa
she reminds me of someone,
but i can't quite put my finger on it ....
(in the figurative sense)

o and happy belated-by-one-week birthday to bobby

Sunday, July 16, 2006

on the seventeenth

busy tryna find the meaning of life .
especially mine ..

eh .
maybe i should have read tfa
in seventh grade yang
like i was supposed to ..
that might have made it a lil easier on me now ..
=\ btw
yth does that book have so many frikin proverbs !

i start summer school tomorrow .
on the seventeenth ..
well that ought to be an adventure
* hoorayy *
* o, i'm sooo excited !! *
the asterisks mean sarcasm, in case you couldn't tell ..
gah .

busy tryna find the meaning of life .
especially mine ..

Saturday, July 15, 2006

a major situatyion

MG !!
i am so sick of love songs ..
sorry shane but
k-ci and jojo are making me sick,
i just can't stand it

also ..
i finally cleaned my room
i feel so proud of myself now XP

but anyway,
back to being sick of things ..
i have a major situation .
well more than one really
but mainly,
i don't really have any leeway
when it comes to school ..
most of you already know that
one detention could
possibly get me kicked out ..
but now i am on probabyion toooo
so all of my grades have to be top-notch ....
i can't stand to do everything
perfectly for three years !!!! >,
at this rate ..
it may sound impossible, but
i might not have any time
for g&g ....


Friday, July 14, 2006


ok so i'm sorry if i offended anyone
by not capitalizing God in my last post ..
but frankly, i don't really care .
personally i think religion is a waste of time ..
i mean, i'm atheist and i am leading
a perfectly fine lifestyle ..

hmh, maybe i shouldn't have called attention to it

but anyway,
i love panic!
that song always makes me smile ..
the other night i was jus bout to fall asleep
and this song came on
an i woke up laughing
damn ..
i didn't fall asleep till a half hour later

speaking of sleep i only got seven hours last night ..
:O i woke up at 9.30
so now i'm pret tired ;,

o btw i almost put the exclamation point
in the wrong place in P!atD ..
damn erickson

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

the world these days

ok so i haven't posted for eight days .
big whoop .

truth is, i haven't had much time to do anything
seeing as ma n pa put a time limit
so i only get two hours a day on the comp now ..

but anyway, i'm doing the best i can .
i have hmw to do too, you know .

i'm happy b/c tbc finally updated again,
after like two months of inactivity ..

yea .

censorship confuses me .

for example,
whenever they play
P!atD's oh-so-famous song "i write sins not tragedies"
on the radio,
they bleep out the "god"
but not the "damn" ..

so now god is a bad word ??
and damn isn't ??
is it just me or does that not make any sense ..
goodness .
what is wrong with the world these days ....

while we're on the topic of song lyrics,

in "buttons" by PCD,
is it just me or
does it sound a lot like they're saying
"pushing on my buttons"
instead of "loosen up my buttons" ?

i think the beat screws it up
an now i just can't get it right ..

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

what a wonderful phrase


what an interesting name for a holiday ..
i think it's b/c no one could pronounce
or spell independence ..

anway . today officially marks
the 230th anniversary of our independence ..
that's a whole lot of years .

soo my bros and i went to our neighbors' house today
b/c our parents are gone
and the house seems empty with only five ppls ..

and we went swimming
for a few hours ..

and we did(?) fireworks,
even tho i live in anaheim
so technically it is illegal .. ( sshh )

oh and i burned myself a few times .
but don't worry .
nothing serious .

and then we had ice cream .
and doopdedo
and yayy . it was fun

hope yall are having fun as well XD
love ya,

All information, unless otherwise sourced, copyright 2005-7 Agnocure .
All rights reserved . No plagiarism without permission, please .